Can ScsiPortGetUncachedExtension() allocate 1MB physical memory?

I want to allocate 1MB continuous address physical memory for DMA transfer in a SCSI miniport driver. Could I success by ScsiPortGetUncachedExtension() function in Win 8/7/Vista? I have found this function can only allocate 100KB in Win XP and earlier OS. But the WDK doc doesn’t describe the case in Win 8/7/Vista.

Are you going to develop miniport SCSI driver for Win 7/8? You should move to miniport StorPort driver which is better than SCSIPort version.

Igor Sharovar

We have developed Storport driver for our device already. But the Storport driver encountered BSOD when we run system DTM. We can’t find the solution for it. So we have to go back to SCSI port driver now.

Abei Liu wrote:

We have developed Storport driver for our device
already. But the Storport driver encountered BSOD
when we run system DTM. We can’t find the solution
for it. So we have to go back to SCSI port driver now.


Gulp. I’m hoping Peter peers in and weighs in on this :slight_smile:

This reminds me of the objection I’ve heard – multiple times, believe it or not – to testing a driver on the Check Build of Windows. “I tried running on the Checked Build, but Windows kept crashing. So I stopped trying to use it.”

Seriously: You might want to fix the Storport driver.


Hi, Peter:
Yes, I want to fix my storport driver immediately.
Thank you for your advice. I will try to test it on the Check Build of Windows.
