Can I send IRP to read file in PostRoutine of Create on FAT?

I’m developing a driver based on minifilter.
My filter works well on NTFS, but it will lead to BSOD on FAT. After debugging, I found the problem occured when I want to send an IRP(IRP_READ_OPERATION | IRP_NOCACHE) to read the content of file in the post routine of Create(STATUS: FILE_OPENED).
The faulting code is fastfat!FatSingleSyncCompletionRoutine+0x27, besides, according to my observation, the Flags of FILE_OBJECT was 0x42(FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO|FO_CACHE_SUPPORTED).
I’m confused why this bug occured, can anyone help me? Any help will be appreciated!

>I’m confused why this bug occured, can anyone help me? Any help will be


We’ll need more that. I have issued IO in post create (subject to some
significant constraints), so I’d say that the Idea is good.

How about a !analyze -v or an abstract of the code. Meantime if you want a

  • Beware state STATUS_REPARSE is a SUCCESS status (unlikely from FAT, mind)
  • Beware of the other success statuses, particularly those involved with

Meanwhile, what is stopping you stepping through FAT in the debugger? That
should point things out pretty quickly.



This is very good practice in the face of stack based file objects. Might
be not such a good plan if a lot of data has been cached for the file

Thanks rod!
With your advice, I debug fastfat.sys and find out what was happen.
The bug turns out to be a simple point: I forget to set Irp->UserBuffer when I use MDL to describe a buffer.
Now my filter works well, thanks for your help!