Can i develop commerce software wih Vista RTM (6000) WDK???

Can i develop commerce software wih Vista RTM (6000) WDK???
Is the Vista RTM (6000) WDK free???

Yes, you can develop with the WDK 6000. Ignore the part of the documentation that says it is only for beta testing. It is incorrect.

How do you define free? It requires a DVD to burn it on so you have that expense. It also requires downloading a single file over 2GB in size which probably is not really free either since your ISP wants to get paid. You also have to download the replacement for the big piece of the WDK, the WLK, that installs DTM on the test systems. DTM requires a server running Server 2003 - no other version need apply. You also have to pay for the operating systems used in testing. I think you can use your MSDN keys for those installations.

“峰姚” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
Can i develop commerce software wih Vista RTM (6000) WDK???
Is the Vista RTM (6000) WDK free???

David J. Craig:

> It requires a DVD to burn it on so you have that expense. It also requires downloading a single
> file over 2GB in size which probably is not really free either since your ISP wants to get paid.

No offense - I write this just for fun - I use Microsoft Virtual PC and capture the WDK image- then use using file share. I use the dedicated line to download. ISP does not charge any extra for downloading :D.