can export drivers send I/O Requests to kernel-mode function drivers?


I want to share some data between three kernel-mode function drivers, and am thinking of writing an export-driver to manage the data structure. The data is obtained by I/O Requests to some other KMDF driver. As far as I know, I cannot use KMDF functions in export drivers. Can I use WDM functions? For e.g. can I call IOCallDriver() etc and submit Read/Write/IOCTL IRPs?

Or, is there a better way to achieve this other than by using export drivers? Some pointers are highly appreciated!


You can call wdm functions in your export driver, but why not just open the other device objects by name and use pirps to share the data ?


debt from my phone

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 2:26 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] can export drivers send I/O Requests to kernel-mode function drivers?


I want to share some data between three kernel-mode function drivers, and am thinking of writing an export-driver to manage the data structure. The data is obtained by I/O Requests to some other KMDF driver. As far as I know, I cannot use KMDF functions in export drivers. Can I use WDM functions? For e.g. can I call IOCallDriver() etc and submit Read/Write/IOCTL IRPs?

Or, is there a better way to achieve this other than by using export drivers? Some pointers are highly appreciated!


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Thanks, Doron.

Do you mean the following: Instead of creating an export driver, create function driver? And let this function Driver handle internal IOCTLs from the other Drivers that want to access the data?

I thought by having this data in an export driver, I can also rely on the export driver getting loaded etc when any of the drivers that use it is present.

Could you please explain what you mean by “open other device objects by name” ?


I meant no middle man driver at all, the drivers who are sharing share directly with each other, not an intermediary


debt from my phone

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 2:44 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] can export drivers send I/O Requests to kernel-mode function drivers?

Thanks, Doron.

Do you mean the following: Instead of creating an export driver, create function driver? And let this function Driver handle internal IOCTLs from the other Drivers that want to access the data?

I thought by having this data in an export driver, I can also rely on the export driver getting loaded etc when any of the drivers that use it is present.

Could you please explain what you mean by “open other device objects by name” ?


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