Can DIFX install a file system driver?

Can DIFX install a file system driver or more specifically,
a network mini-redirector?

(And if so any hints as to how to get started would be
appreciated :slight_smile:



Joseph Galbraith wrote:

Can DIFX install a file system driver or more specifically,
a network mini-redirector?

I got it working for a minifilter driver… had to force legacy mode
though because no matter what I did it refused to believe my cat file
was signed.

In Wix it’s something like:

Guid=“60817AE0-0638-45b1-8514-263CD4895227” DriverDeleteFiles=“yes”
DriverAddRemovePrograms=“no” DriverPlugAndPlayPrompt=“no”
DriverLegacy=“yes” DiskId=“1”>


>I got it working for a minifilter driver… had to force legacy

mode though because no matter what I did it refused to believe my
cat file was signed.

I had the same problem with the .cat file signing. Look at this blog
post for more details. It might solve your problem.

Peter Waldschmidt

Peter Waldschmidt wrote:

I had the same problem with the .cat file signing. Look at this blog
post for more details. It might solve your problem.

Wow… that worked. I spent days looking for documentation like that.

What do those infATTR lines do? I can’t find any reference to them at
all in any documentation.


I couldn’t find any documentation on them either. Basically, if you
double-click on the catalog file, you can browse through the properties
for the catalog entries. I took a valid cat file that I found in the
DIFx samples and compared the properties line by line, adding attributes
until it worked. It looks like you have to identify the O/S versions
that your driver supports with the OSAttr attribute and the filename
with the File attribute.

Peter Waldschmidt

Peter Waldschmidt wrote:

I had the same problem with the .cat file signing. Look at this blog
post for more details. It might solve your problem.

Wow… that worked. I spent days looking for documentation like that.

What do those infATTR lines do? I can’t find any reference to them at
all in any documentation.
