Cache manager shared cache map

reading Windows Internals 6th edition, I’d ask for a clarification about the following:

I’m aware that for each file being cached, Cache manager calls a VMM’s exported function to create a Section object for it. Therefore, at any given time, there may be in the system multiple section objects for the same file object as well as multiple mapped views of the file stored in different cache slots.

For each file being cached, Cache manager maintains shared cache map instances linked in a list (see Fig 11-7 in the book). Each shared cache map instance stores a pointer to a (multilevel) VACB index array.

My question is: why can there be multiple shared cache map instances for the same cached file ? Just because can’t one instance of the three-level VACB index array be enough to index all the desired views of the cached file ?

Thank you.

Thinking about it, I believe there exist only one instance of shared cache map for a given file being cached. Maybe shared cache map instances (for different files being cached) are linked together just for efficient handling.

What do you think about ?

@Carlo_Cianfarani said:
reading Windows Internals 6th edition, I’d ask for a clarification about the following:

I’m aware that for each file being cached, Cache manager calls a VMM’s exported function to create a Section object for it. Therefore, at any given time, there may be in the system multiple section objects for the same file object

There can only be up to two section objects per-stream*: one data section object and one image section object. Once a section is created (data or image) subsequent attempts to memory map reference the same section.


*At the file system layer the File Object can be thought of as an open instance of a Stream, which is an in-memory representation of a “stream” of file, directory, or volume data (+ its attributes)

@Carlo_Cianfarani said:
Thinking about it, I believe there exist only one instance of shared cache map for a given file being cached. Maybe shared cache map instances (for different files being cached) are linked together just for efficient handling.

What do you think about ?


There can only be up to two section objects per-stream*: one data section object and one image section object. Once a section is created (data or image) subsequent attempts to memory map reference the same section.

Ok, so even though a given file is memory mapped in multiple processes, there will be at most two section objects for it in the system.

As far as I understand, if the given file is also opened in a process for I/O (read, write), the cache manager will uses the same data section object the Memory manager (MM) created for it. Therefore all (data) memory mapped views of the file (in each process’s user address space and in system cache) will reference the same data section object.

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Just to check my understanding: cache manager for each file being cached refers to the same section object regardless of how many views of the file are currently mapped in system cache space. Correct ?

I’m curious to know what possible difference this answer would have in your life. What would you do differently?

Nothing. I just wanted to better understand some aspects of Windows implementation.

There is a guarantee of read coherency for any view of a file. How stunningly awful that would be if the cache manager had to mediate N separate mappings of a file in memory.

There is a guarantee of read coherency for any view of a file. How stunningly awful that would be if the cache manager had to mediate N separate mappings of a file in memory.

Therefore when the cache manager maps a new view of a given file (256 KiB in size each) it refers to its unique data section object and maps the view in a system cache slot assigning a free VACB for it, committing 256 KiB of memory for it and creating the Prototype PTEs (PPTEs) needed to map it in the system cache slot’s VA range.

@Carlo_Cianfarani said:

There is a guarantee of read coherency for any view of a file. How stunningly awful that would be if the cache manager had to mediate N separate mappings of a file in memory.

Therefore when the cache manager maps a new view of a given file (256 KiB in size each) it refers to its unique data section object and maps the view in a system cache slot assigning a free VACB for it, committing 256 KiB of memory for it and creating the Prototype PTEs (PPTEs) needed to map it in the system cache slot’s VA range.

The Cache Manager’s section is not unique, it’s the Data Section. Whether an application maps that section into user mode or the Cache Manager maps the section into kernel mode (or both) it’s the same section. Cached I/O is then just a memcpy into/out of a kernel mapping to the section that the Cache Manager happens to maintain.

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The Cache Manager’s section is not unique, it’s the Data Section. Whether an application maps that section into user mode or the Cache Manager maps the section into kernel mode (or both) it’s the same section.

Maybe I misinterpreted the sentence at the Dissecting Windows Section Objects:

Note that no matter how many sections have been created for the file object, there’s always only one segment structure per type of mapping (binary, executable) for all of them. The same applies to Control Area structures, there’s only one Control Area per type of mapping regardless of the number of created sections

It seems to me there could be multiple section objects for a given file object even though there is always one segment structure and one Control Area structure per type of mapping (data/binary, executable).

Am I wrong ?


Yes, fair point and the article is accurate.

The point I was trying to stress is that there is only one copy of the data in memory for each mapping type (data or image). Internally these copies are tracked/maintained by internal Mm structures called segments and are accessed by external consumers via section objects.

I believe it is just a matter of names: a data section object is actually a data Control Area structure + data Segment structure (same for image section object). For a given file Stream there are at most two of them in the system (one for each type): **the** data section object and/or **the** image section object.

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