bus filter driver for unknown bus

Hi all,

How could I install a bus filter driver for a bus created by a USB device? I have a Bluetooth USB dongle that creates a “software” bus and enumerates some devices connected to that “software” bus. I do not know how I could install a bus filter driver for a bus whose GUID is unknown to my bus filter driver installation app.

Any ideas will be wellcomed.

Thanks in advance,

Eugenio Barahona Marciel

I don’t understand why you would need a bus filter driver in this case. Do
you intend to filter the PDOs enumerated by this Bluetooth USB dongle? If so
the dongle FDO is the starting point for your bus filter driver, and you
should be able to install your bus filter driver as an FDO filter driver on
top of the USB dongle.

Let me rephrase that: busses don’t have GUIDS. Device Classes have GUIDS. A
bus driver has an FDO device object that creates some number of PDOs that in
turn belong to various Device Classes. A bus filter driver is a standard FDO
filter driver for the bus driver FDO that also attaches a device object to
each PDO enumerated by the bus driver, regardless of the Device Class of
that PDO. A bus filter driver generally does not need to know what the
Device Classes of the PDOs it filters are, although it can figure that out
at run time through it’s PDO filter device.

On Nov 15, 2007 6:01 AM, wrote:

> Hi all,
> How could I install a bus filter driver for a bus created by a USB device?
> I have a Bluetooth USB dongle that creates a “software” bus and enumerates
> some devices connected to that “software” bus. I do not know how I could
> install a bus filter driver for a bus whose GUID is unknown to my bus filter
> driver installation app.
> Any ideas will be wellcomed.
> Thanks in advance,
> Eugenio Barahona Marciel
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Mark Roddy