Built in DEFINE for OS version

It depends on the DDK version you use for your build, by that I mean which
setenv.bat you called with what ddk root path. You can easily roll a batch
file for yourself to set up such a preprocessor define.

For example,


if “%TARGETOS%” = “WINXP” goto setenvxp
else if …

set BASEDIR=“c:\winddk\2600”
call %BASEDIR%\bin\setenv %BASEDIR% checked

goto end

The in your code

#if DDKVER=0x501

#else if …




-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Galipeau [mailto:xxxxx@legato.com]
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 11:33 AM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] Built in DEFINE for OS version

When compiling during the build process is there a define that can be used
to determine what version of the OS the drive is being built for i.e. NT4,
Win2k, XP, and .NET? If so what are the values?

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I use the VER_PRODUCTBUILD defined in ntverp.h

NT3.51 1057
NT4.0 1381
Win2000 2195
WinXP 2600
.NET Server ?? (Currently 3678)


-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Galipeau [mailto:xxxxx@legato.com]
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 2:33 PM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] Built in DEFINE for OS version

When compiling during the build process is there a define that can be used
to determine what version of the OS the drive is being built for i.e. NT4,
Win2k, XP, and .NET? If so what are the values?

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