Our nt driver was originally written for NT4.0 and our SOURCES files
contain lines with CHECKED_ALT_DIR=1 so that our checked and free objects
would go into different directories (objd & obj). When we ported to win2k,
we found that “BUILD -cZ” (rebuild all) would not recompile any objects and
that our regular builds were all confused about dependencies. Much poking
revealed that removing the lines containing CHECKED_ALT_DIR fixed
everything. We’d really like to keep the line in there so we can build an
nt4.0 driver if we have to. Has anyone else ever encountered this?

> ----------

Reply To: NT Developers Interest List
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 15:58
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] BUILD and CHECKED_ALT_DIR

Our nt driver was originally written for NT4.0 and our SOURCES files
contain lines with CHECKED_ALT_DIR=1 so that our checked and free objects
would go into different directories (objd & obj). When we ported to
we found that “BUILD -cZ” (rebuild all) would not recompile any objects
that our regular builds were all confused about dependencies. Much poking

revealed that removing the lines containing CHECKED_ALT_DIR fixed
everything. We’d really like to keep the line in there so we can build an

nt4.0 driver if we have to. Has anyone else ever encountered this?

Yes, I had similar problems. There is no need for CHECKED_ALT_DIR with w2k
DDK because it uses separate object directories by default (objchk and
objfre). Simly remove this line for drivers built with w2k DDK and let it
there for NT4 DDK. If you need to share SOURCES between both DDKs (really?),
you can use makefile-like condition based for example on some environment

!IF “$(DDK)” == “NT4”

and define DDK variable in your environment.

Best regards,

Michal Vodicka
(RKK - Skytale)
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