BugCheck C000021A, {e121bfc8, c0000013, 0, 0}

I am encountering this bugcheck on WinNT 4.0 Service
Pack 6. Does any one have any clues as to what might
be causing this?
Thanks in advance.

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If you load up the DDK documentation, and use the Index to look for Bug
Check 0xC000021A, you’ll find some docuementation of what it means.

To debug more, you’ll have to figure out which service it is that


-----Original Message-----
From: Arun Joseph [mailto:xxxxx@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 4:59 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] BugCheck C000021A, {e121bfc8, c0000013, 0, 0}

I am encountering this bugcheck on WinNT 4.0 Service
Pack 6. Does any one have any clues as to what might
be causing this?
Thanks in advance.

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Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

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If you look at the MS KB article for hotfix 818896, it actually lists this
stop code, but that’s all it lists, and no context for the hotfix is given.
I tried to get details from support recently, but there are none. How
annoying – a hotfix, but they won’t tell you what it actually fixes! (My
nomination for the least helpful MS KB article I’ve ever seen.)

Regardless, the key parameters from NTSTATUS.H are:

And I imagine that what you actually saw on the screen was:
Autochk program not found - Skipping autocheck.
STOP: c000021a (Fatal System Error)
The Session Manager initialization system process terminated
unexpectedly with the status of
0xc0000013 ( 0x00000000, 0x00000000 ).
The system has been shut down.

I’ve seen that stop code a few times before due to the partition being
marked as mirrored when it’s not. The cause is not known by me, but here
are some ways to recover a disk in this state. You will need to boot off of
another NT system with the bad disk as a secondary disk.
Edit the second disk using the NT Resource Kit tool DSKPROBE.EXE. The
steps are something like this… Choose Disk -> Physical Disk.
Double-click on PhysicalDisk1. Click on Set Active, and then click OK.
Choose Sectors -> Read. Read sector 0 for 1 sector, which is the default,
and hit OK. Change byte 0x1C2, which should be a 0x87 or a 0xC7, to a 0x07.
This turns off mirroring. Select Sectors -> Write, and say OK and stuff to
write the sector. Quit the program.
Then open up REGEDT32.EXE. Open the hive on the bad drive (D: or E:)
of \Winnt\System32\Config\system. Delete the Disk key, although you may
wish to Export it first for later debugging and safety. Close the hive and
quit. These steps got rid of the possibly corrupt disk information.
Reboot the machine off of the “bad” disk, and everything should be OK
See Microsoft Knowledge Base Q139843 for more information.