Buffer overrun after a call to KeInitializeEvent

My driver has been working for a couple of years now. Today I made some changes to my device context and now after calling

KeInitializeEvent(&DevContext->outOfBandPacketDoneEvent, NotificationEvent, TRUE);

pTouchDevice ( a void pointer at offeset 0x84 is corrupted.)

Below I have included my dt dump of the device context and the code causing the crash.

outOfBandPacketDoneEvent is a KEVENT at offset 0x74.
pTouchDevice is a PVOID at offset 0x84.

WHY SHOULD KeInitializeEvent write past 0x10 bytes?

I’m building with default build options.

KeInitializeEvent(&DevContext->TerminateReadThread, NotificationEvent, FALSE);
KeInitializeEvent(&DevContext->outOfBandPacketDoneEvent, NotificationEvent, TRUE);
KeInitializeEvent(&DevContext->SSDoneEvent, NotificationEvent, TRUE);
KeInitializeEvent(&DevContext->PortAvailableEvent, SynchronizationEvent , TRUE);

DevContext->pTouchDevice->InPointer = DevContext->pTouchDevice->Response;

1: kd> dt DevContext
Local var @ 0x8a717630 Type DEVICE_CONTEXT*
+0x000 dwfHPen : 0
+0x004 Device : 0x7a7d2ff8 WDFDEVICE
+0x008 IoTarget : 0x7a55baa0 WDFIOTARGET__
+0x00c SpinLock : 0x7a55bb88 WDFSPINLOCK__
+0x010 PowerState : 0 ( PowerDeviceUnspecified )
+0x014 PrevSerialSettings : SERIAL_BASIC_SETTINGS
+0x040 wFirmwareVer : 0
+0x044 HidQueue : 0x7a57ffe8 WDFQUEUE
+0x048 GetPointQueue : 0x7a57f1f8 WDFQUEUE__
+0x04c InputMode : 0 ‘’
+0x04d TimeToTerminateReadThread : 0 ‘’
+0x050 TerminateReadThread : _KEVENT
+0x060 PortAvailableEvent : _KEVENT
+0x070 SerialRequest : (null)
+0x074 outOfBandPacketDoneEvent : _KEVENT
+0x084 pTouchDevice : 0x00000001 _TOUCHSCREENDEVICE

Make sure you do full rebuild. Sometimes BUILD doesn’t rebuild all affected files if a structure definition changes.

Did you do a partial or clean build? Did you change the structure layout at all? Any libs you need to rebuild too?


dent from a phpne with no keynoard

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@yahoo.com
Sent: September 10, 2010 11:20 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Buffer overrun after a call to KeInitializeEvent

My driver has been working for a couple of years now. Today I made some changes to my device context and now after calling

KeInitializeEvent(&DevContext->outOfBandPacketDoneEvent, NotificationEvent, TRUE);

pTouchDevice ( a void pointer at offeset 0x84 is corrupted.)

Below I have included my dt dump of the device context and the code causing the crash.

outOfBandPacketDoneEvent is a KEVENT at offset 0x74.
pTouchDevice is a PVOID at offset 0x84.

WHY SHOULD KeInitializeEvent write past 0x10 bytes?

I’m building with default build options.

KeInitializeEvent(&DevContext->TerminateReadThread, NotificationEvent, FALSE);
KeInitializeEvent(&DevContext->outOfBandPacketDoneEvent, NotificationEvent, TRUE);
KeInitializeEvent(&DevContext->SSDoneEvent, NotificationEvent, TRUE);
KeInitializeEvent(&DevContext->PortAvailableEvent, SynchronizationEvent , TRUE);

DevContext->pTouchDevice->InPointer = DevContext->pTouchDevice->Response;

1: kd> dt DevContext
Local var @ 0x8a717630 Type DEVICE_CONTEXT*
+0x000 dwfHPen : 0
+0x004 Device : 0x7a7d2ff8 WDFDEVICE
+0x008 IoTarget : 0x7a55baa0 WDFIOTARGET

+0x00c SpinLock : 0x7a55bb88 WDFSPINLOCK
+0x010 PowerState : 0 ( PowerDeviceUnspecified )
+0x014 PrevSerialSettings : SERIAL_BASIC_SETTINGS
+0x040 wFirmwareVer : 0
+0x044 HidQueue : 0x7a57ffe8 WDFQUEUE
+0x048 GetPointQueue : 0x7a57f1f8 WDFQUEUE__
+0x04c InputMode : 0 ‘’
+0x04d TimeToTerminateReadThread : 0 ‘’
+0x050 TerminateReadThread : _KEVENT
+0x060 PortAvailableEvent : _KEVENT
+0x070 SerialRequest : (null)
+0x074 outOfBandPacketDoneEvent : _KEVENT
+0x084 pTouchDevice : 0x00000001 _TOUCHSCREENDEVICE

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Thanks rebuild worked.