Breaking on crash in windbg

I have windbg talking to Win7 in Virtual PC via a named pipe to a COM,
and my driver is causing the VM to spontaneously reset. Is it possible
to have windbg break into the kernel once at the time/location of the
fault so that I can inspect what happened? Are there any other
tools/techniques that could help me figure out what’s going on,
besides iterating the code with guess-and-check changes? Thanks.

Yang Zhang

If you have the debugger setup properly, then you are probably causing a triple fault.

The short answer is: That’s a pain to debug.

Likely the fastest approach is to backtrack until you aren’t doing this anymore, and/or code review your recent changes.

  • S

-----Original Message-----
From: Yang Zhang
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 18:29
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Breaking on crash in windbg

I have windbg talking to Win7 in Virtual PC via a named pipe to a COM,
and my driver is causing the VM to spontaneously reset. Is it possible
to have windbg break into the kernel once at the time/location of the
fault so that I can inspect what happened? Are there any other
tools/techniques that could help me figure out what’s going on,
besides iterating the code with guess-and-check changes? Thanks.

Yang Zhang

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