Break point on specific process from kernel debuging

Hi everyone, I'm trying to debug a user-mode app while I'm doing a kernel debugging session.

I'm first trying to locate the process using:
!process 0 0 "processname.exe"

and then switching context to the process context using the EPROCESS with the following command:
.process /p /r ffffcc8f1af0a080

and then setting up a breakpoint on the function I wish to debug
bp /p ffffcc8f1af0a080 user32!getfocus

When I'm listing the breakpoint list I get the next result:
0: kd> bl
0 e Disable Clear 00007ffb6c141180 0001 (0001) USER32!GetFocus Match process data ffffcc8f1af0a080

Everything seems to be configured correctly but for some reason the bp never get hit even though with other user mode debuggers I'm able to see that GetFocus is being hit.

Any ideas?


It has been years, but I believe running kdbgctrl -eu at a command line will allow the kernel debugger to trap user-mode exceptions.

User mode breakpoints are tricky, especially if the function if paged out when you try and set it*.

Try an access breakpoint instead:

ba e1 /p ffffcc8f1af0a080 user32!getfocus

*Gory details from long ago here: The NT Insider:Take a Break - Missed Breakpoints? Here's Why... (