Block Email Attachments


i want to block email attachments for specific extensions (e.g. xls,doc
etc) nobody can attach these files. i am not getting any idea to proceed so
anybody can plz suggest.plz help.
Thanks in Advance.

Re: [ntfsd] Block Email Attachments

Not that it belongs to this mailing list, but attempting to do so

(even if you succeeded), will lead to people renaming their documents

from “xls” to “xxx” to be able to send them via e-mails.

You are trying to do the impossible.


Actually i want to do in mini filter. so in mini filter can i block email attachment?

This is possible if you detect MIME format of message. Some mail
agents and servers save message as is. But this is not good idea.

04.09.2009, ? 8:15, :

Actually i want to do in mini filter. so in mini filter can i block
email attachment?

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> Actually i want to do in mini filter. so in mini filter can i block email attachment?

No, you cannot.

When minifilter gets Create, it does not know whether the file is to be attached to email.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP