Best way to add version info to my sys kernel file

Thanks to all the help from here I now have a working kernel driver, signed and operating under Win 64 and 32. It’s a simple setup with a single *.sys file that I load using the service control manager. I now want to give this file version information so that my installer (Innosetup) can know whether to update it (rather than using the file date-time). I’m relatively new to C and I’ve developed the driver just using examples and text file editing of my *.c and *.h file. Is there a special command I can put in the source or a tool to run after which will poke version info into my file? I only really need the basic version numbering…

I’m not clear on whether you’re (a) looking to patch your existing version
information in your binary; or (b) just asking how to get version
information into your binary.

If the former, you might want to take a look at Pavel’s excellent

If the later, then probably the easiest way is to blatantly copy the
paradigm (and files) used by the many of the wdk samples.

Like that of ‘ioctl,’ for example:

#include <windows.h>

#include <ntverp.h>



#include “common.ver”

Take a look in ‘common.ver’ (/inc/api/common.ver) for more

Good luck,


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 3:37 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Best way to add version info to my sys kernel file

Thanks to all the help from here I now have a working kernel driver, signed
and operating under Win 64 and 32. It’s a simple setup with a single *.sys
file that I load using the service control manager. I now want to give this
file version information so that my installer (Innosetup) can know whether
to update it (rather than using the file date-time). I’m relatively new to C
and I’ve developed the driver just using examples and text file editing of
my *.c and *.h file. Is there a special command I can put in the source or a
tool to run after which will poke version info into my file? I only really
need the basic version numbering…

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Excellent, thanks - it was the latter. I’ll go look at your example.