I am beginner in FS developmenet. In my file system when i read a file with CMD it is showing the content of file Correctly but when I try to open while with explorer or NotePad it is crashing.
BugCheck 19, {20, 97700910, 97700938, 18050004}
Probably caused by : ntkrpamp.exe ( nt!IopSynchronousServiceTail+281 )
I used !pool 97700910 it is shows
Pool page 97700910 region is Nonpaged pool
97700000 size: 148 previous size: 0 (Allocated) ALPC
97700148 size: 30 previous size: 148 (Allocated) VadS
97700178 size: 50 previous size: 30 (Allocated) Vad
977001c8 size: 20 previous size: 50 (Allocated) ReTa
977001e8 size: a0 previous size: 20 (Allocated) FMsl
97700288 size: c8 previous size: a0 (Allocated) Ntfx
97700350 size: 8 previous size: c8 (Free) Free
97700358 size: a0 previous size: 8 (Allocated) MmCa
977003f8 size: 18 previous size: a0 (Allocated) WfpH
97700410 size: 30 previous size: 18 (Allocated) VadS
97700440 size: 50 previous size: 30 (Allocated) Vad
97700490 size: 18 previous size: 50 (Free) Free
977004a8 size: 28 previous size: 18 (Allocated) FSro
977004d0 size: a0 previous size: 28 (Allocated) MmCa
97700570 size: a0 previous size: a0 (Allocated) MmCa
97700610 size: a0 previous size: a0 (Allocated) FMsl
977006b0 size: 40 previous size: a0 (Allocated) Even
977006f0 size: c8 previous size: 40 (Allocated) Ntfx
977007b8 size: 30 previous size: c8 (Allocated) EtwR
977007e8 size: 100 previous size: 30 (Allocated) Driv
977008e8 size: 8 previous size: 100 (Free) Free
977008f0 size: 20 previous size: 8 (Allocated) ReTa
*97700910 size: 28 previous size: 20 (Free ) *Io Process: 53373ac0
Pooltag Io : general IO allocations, Binary : nt!io
The Stack Trace is
nt!RtlpBreakWithStatusInstruction C / C++ / ASM
nt!KiBugCheckDebugBreak + 0x1f C / C++ / ASM
nt!KeBugCheck2 + 0x676 C / C++ / ASM
nt!KiBugCheck2 + 0xc6 C / C++ / ASM
nt!KeBugCheckEx + 0x19 C / C++ / ASM
nt!ExFreePool + 0x8aa C / C++ / ASM
nt!IopCompleteRequest + 0x9d C / C++ / ASM
nt!IopSynchronousServiceTail + 0x281 C / C++ / ASM
nt!NtQueryVolumeInformationFile + 0x2c4 C / C++ / ASM
nt!KiSystemServicePostCall C / C++ / ASM
ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet C / C++ / ASM
ntdll!NtQueryVolumeInformationFile + 0xa C / C++ / ASM
KERNELBASE!GetFileInformationByHandle + 0x37 C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!GetFindDataFromFileInformationByHandle + 0x98 C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!CShellLink::_GetFindDataAndTracker + 0x48 C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!CShellLink::_SetPIDLPath + 0x147 C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!CShellLink::SetIDList + 0x33 C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!CDestinationCategory::AppendDestination + 0xe9 C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!CAutoDestList::GetMatchingEntryIndex + 0xa1 C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!CAutomaticDestinationList::_EnsureItemGetIndex + 0x86 C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!CAutomaticDestinationList::AddUsagePoint + 0x6f C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!AddPointToItem + 0x4c C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!AddToAutoDestList + 0x1d0 C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!CTaskAddDoc::_AddToRecentDocs + 0x10d C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!CTaskAddDoc::InternalResumeRT + 0xdc C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!CRunnableTask::Run + 0x78 C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!CShellTaskThread::ThreadProc + 0x240 C / C++ / ASM
SHELL32!CShellTaskThread::s_ThreadProc + 0x2b C / C++ / ASM
SHCORE!ExecuteWorkItemThreadProc + 0xe C / C++ / ASM
ntdll!RtlpTpWorkCallback + 0xe6 C / C++ / ASM
ntdll!TppWorkerThread + 0x733 C / C++ / ASM
KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk + 0xe C / C++ / ASM
ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart + 0x20 C / C++ / ASM
ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart + 0x1b C / C++ / ASM
Please Help to figure out what is happening here.