
Hi All,

I am developing an AVStream driver for WebCameras, and most of time it works fine, but sometimes when I change format to I420 or YUY2( RGB24 has no problem ), the preview window will be black; nothing displayed on the preview window. If I now move an application to the preview window’s client area, the preview window will show one frame, and then stops. If I keep moving an application to the preview window’s client area, the contineous frame will keep showing until I stop moving the application. It seems the preview window wll send invalid rect to redraw its client area when I move something on it. Did I do somthing wrong in my driver? The stream pointer is accomplished by calling KsPinGetLeadingEdgeStreamPointer with the State parameter set to KSSTREAM_POINTER_STATE_LOCKED. Then call KsStreamPointerUnlock immediately after processing is complete

Best Regards,

adroit@ms4.hinet.net wrote:

Hi All,

I am developing an AVStream driver for WebCameras, and most of time it works fine, but sometimes when I change format to I420 or YUY2( RGB24 has no problem ), the preview window will be black; nothing displayed on the preview window.

What application are you using to test this? Are you sure you have a
codec that understands I420 or YUY2? Are your supported sizes multiples
of 8 or 16? Do you support format changes on the fly? Remember that,
for a YUV stream, the renderer will initially connect in RGB and then
switch to YUV on the fly.

Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Dear Tim,

My capture pin support 3 formats and there are I420, YUY2, and RGB24, and the application I am using is amcap. The decoder for I420 is windows’ inbox decoder. The driver can pass DTM test and it works fine with most of applications like msn, netmeeting, WIA, and amcap. The problem only occurs when I keep switching format and resolution under amcap, and only I420 and YUY2 have problem. Any suggestions?

Best Regards,