Automatic installation of Filter Driver from External Drive?

Hi All,

I am working on the project, where i want to prevent deleting the files
from the External/USB drive.

Once the driver is installed on the system then its really easy. But how
do we install our Filter Driver on the user’s system automatically?

Once user has the external or USB drive, then he can load the standard
driver and start deleting the files. I want to install my filter driver
as soon as Driver is inserted into the USB port if driver is not already

Any idea? Is this feasible or i should take a different approach?

thanks in advance…


I do not think this possible at all. They can plug?in the USB to some other system say Linux and delete them from there. You are at the mercy the system where the USB will be plugged in which you do not have control.


From: Rajesh Gupta
To: Windows File Systems Devs Interest List
Sent: Mon, March 15, 2010 6:36:50 PM
Subject: [ntfsd] Automatic installation of Filter Driver from External Drive?

Hi All,

I am working on the project, where i want to prevent deleting the files from the External/USB drive.

Once the driver is installed on the system then its really easy. But how do we install our Filter Driver on the user’s system automatically?

Once user has the external or USB drive, then he can load the standard driver and start deleting the files. I want to install my filter driver as soon as Driver is inserted into the USB port if driver is not already installed.

Any idea? Is this feasible or i should take a different approach?

thanks in advance…


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Is there anything in the File Attributes or Extended Attributes which
can be utilized?

Lijun Wang wrote:

I do not think this possible at all. They can plug in the USB to some
other system say Linux and delete them from there. You are at the mercy
the system where the USB will be plugged in which you do not have control.


“Rajesh Gupta” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> Is there anything in the File Attributes or Extended Attributes which can
> be utilized?

IIRC, there is some disk property or status bit that indicates to Windows
that the disk is read only.
Then you need to filter the disk i/o and make up this bit.
