Hello All,
I am writing a client driver for the standard serial driver for
My driver is properly working with synchronous reads and write calls with
The problem comes with the asynchronous read call .
I am using separate threads for issung IRP_MJ_READ IRPs and then continually
making a byte requests , but the driver is gettng crashed at shutdown . One
reason that i think is one IRP is always outstanding.
Rakesh Shrivastava
DCM Tech
New Delhi
If you are shutting down the system after some time of “no activity” on part
of your driver, chances are that all the IRPs are getting completed. There
could be some other problem. On the other hand, if the system crashes after
some activity of your driver, here is what I would do:
Create a linked list of all IRPs coming to my driver, deleting them from
the list as they get completed. So finally I have a list of not-yet-complete
Assign Cancle routines to the IRPs, and at shutdown, cancle any such
outstanding IRPs.
Hope that helps,
Hello All,
I am writing a client driver for the standard serial driver for
My driver is properly working with synchronous reads and write calls with
The problem comes with the asynchronous read call .
I am using separate threads for issung IRP_MJ_READ IRPs and then continually
making a byte requests , but the driver is gettng crashed at shutdown . One
reason that i think is one IRP is always outstanding.
Rakesh Shrivastava
DCM Tech
New Delhi
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