[It’s probably been four years since I’ve had to suffer through using an
Arium, so this information is all old.]
While an Arium is your only real option for a few things, it is still
absolutely the option of last resort. Getting one to work with the average
board these days is a very low probability event.
Unless you have the appropriate level of NDA with Intel (not sure how it
works with AMD), you’re going to have a hell of a time getting a suitable
CRB, in my experience. They will not help you and what you will be able to
get ahold of will likely be limited and old.
I believe that Arium finally stopped advertising the interposer interface.
For a while they kicked the problem out the door to a company that sold
interposers (for $2K - $K) that Arium finally admitted (privately at least)
didn’t really work.
You might be able to find a board normally used for embedded work that has a
socket, but it is likely to very specific and probably kind of limited.
Otherwise, you’ll need a board that you happen to know has active traces on
it and somebody who knows what they are doing to attach an xdp socket to it.
Off the top of my head, I want to say that an XDP socket has 60 pins, but
whatever the exact pin count, it’s dense enough that your home soldering
iron is not really an option and there’s going to be some resistors
involved, IIRC.
Any or all of these problems may have been fixed, I don’t know, but even on
the best of days, on a board that comes with an XDP socket already mounted,
the connection between the Arium and the tap is dicey and SourcePoint is
very limited.
-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of xxxxx@osr.com
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 3:24 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] ANy tools available to debug system hang? (other than
driver verifier?)
Don’t even START down that path…
If somebody would like to buy our Arium, I’ll be more than happy to trade
you for a reasonable denomination Arch Card http:
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