AntiVirus false positives

This is a bit off topic, but I know a bunch of AV folks hang out here.

Does anyone have any fast-track contacts for getting something “white
listed”? The official channels (e.g., virus@) are very slow and often get
no response at all.

In particular, I’m looking for fast-tracking at F-Secure, AVG, and


Nice try Neil… trying to get your virus white listed. :wink:

I’ve never heard of anyone on the list doing that, but hopefully you hear some comments off-list.


Blast! You found me out! Unfortunately I haven’t gotten very good at the
virus writing. Mine actually deposits money into your bank account.

Yes, I did get a response offline. Thanks.

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> Nice try Neil… trying to get your virus white listed. :wink:
> I’ve never heard of anyone on the list doing that, but hopefully you hear
> some comments off-list.
> Tony