Adaptive read/write optimization on Windows

Hi Experts,

  1. Does windows OS (file system drivers ??) performs adaptive file read
    ahead for performance optimization ? If yes, what heuristics does it uses .

  2. Is it possible to capture the file type(.doc , database , mp3 etc)
    information in the kernel space say before IO reached the disk class

Kindly point me to weblinks/docs describing the same…


This is the debugging list, this question is better for NTFSD.


“Raj yalgar” wrote in message news:xxxxx@windbg…
Hi Experts,
1) Does windows OS (file system drivers ??) performs adaptive file read
ahead for performance optimization ? If yes, what heuristics does it uses .

2) Is it possible to capture the file type(.doc , database , mp3 etc)
information in the kernel space say before IO reached the disk class driver.

Kindly point me to weblinks/docs describing the same…


thanks scott…i will forward it to NTFSD.


On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 9:27 PM, Scott Noone wrote:

> This is the debugging list, this question is better for NTFSD.
> -scott
> @OSRDrivers
> “Raj yalgar” wrote in message news:xxxxx@windbg.
> …
> Hi Experts,
> 1) Does windows OS (file system drivers ??) performs adaptive file read
> ahead for performance optimization ? If yes, what heuristics does it uses .
> 2) Is it possible to capture the file type(.doc , database , mp3 etc)
> information in the kernel space say before IO reached the disk class driver.
> Kindly point me to weblinks/docs describing the same…
> Ciao,
> Raj
> —
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