Accessing "Window Handle Table"

Hi all,

I need to access “Window Handle Table” real-time for a specific process,
This window can be created through CreateWindow, CreateWindowEx, DialogBox,
Custom controls etc… or any common controls. Using Win32 API’s like
EnumWindows, EnumChildWindows i assume we cannot enumerate all these.
Even a tooltip display is displayed inside some window(i guess), If i can
access Window Handle table in Realtime(I prefer)it will be better for me.

I assume Window handle is global to system and not specific to process, If i
get even global window handle table that is also helpfull(later i can
separate it based on the process). Basically i need to get all kinds of
windows which created on system including very small windows.

any idea ?

::I don’t have idea, wheather answer lies in kernel or usermode, so i
decided to post it here.

Satish K.S

Of course the system has an internal table of windows and window
handles, but there is no documented way to get at it. Have you actually
tried EnumWindows and determined that it does not work for your
purposes? You could install a global windows hook, but would have to do
this for each desktop on the machine.

int3 wrote:

Hi all,

I need to access “Window Handle Table” real-time for a specific process,
This window can be created through CreateWindow, CreateWindowEx, DialogBox,
Custom controls etc… or any common controls. Using Win32 API’s like
EnumWindows, EnumChildWindows i assume we cannot enumerate all these.
Even a tooltip display is displayed inside some window(i guess), If i can
access Window Handle table in Realtime(I prefer)it will be better for me.

I assume Window handle is global to system and not specific to process, If i
get even global window handle table that is also helpfull(later i can
separate it based on the process). Basically i need to get all kinds of
windows which created on system including very small windows.

any idea ?

::I don’t have idea, wheather answer lies in kernel or usermode, so i
decided to post it here.

Satish K.S

Nick Ryan (MVP for DDK)