I have been working past few months changing a WDM driver to a WDF driver.
But I noticed now that the application which is using this driver to
communicate with the device (which is a scanner) needs to be run as
‘Administrator’ in order to communicate with the device. Previous driver
does not need that.
I noticed this during the development also. But I thought may be it is due
to the fact that driver is not signed, etc. But I have not read about
anything like this behavior in MSDN.
Is this normal behavior? or is there something that I need to do?
See “INF AddReg” WDK topic, “Security” value.
Yes and you can look to the device object security with the SysInternals WinObj utility. The device object path can be found in the Device Manager details tab for the device.
Look at the WdfDeviceInitAssignSDDLString API documentation.
Thank you very much for the help. The issue I had was in the
I have passed SDDL_DEVOBJ_SYS_ALL_ADM_RWX_WORLD_R_RES_R previously which is
actually wrong. I need RW permission for RES.
everything works well now.
Thanks for pointing the WinObj utility. It is also really good.
On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 7:08 AM, wrote:
> Yes and you can look to the device object security with the SysInternals
> WinObj utility. The device object path can be found in the Device Manager
> details tab for the device.
> Look at the WdfDeviceInitAssignSDDLString API documentation.
> —
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