About Ndis Intermediate Driver

I have some questions about ndis intermediate dirver.

1.Is the ndis intermediate driver a filter dirver?If the answer is
‘yes’,which kind of filter driver is it?
2.Does it have an AddDevice routine?

Any help will be appreciated.

NDIS drivers are miniports. NDIS.SYS which wraps the miniports provides
AddDevice and all other PnP, Power and SystemControl IRP handler. Miniports
just register callback functions and handle them.

Intermediate driver story is long one. So I would suggest you buy the Winhec
presentation CD. It has a very good presentation on different type of
intermediate drivers and how they work, etc. Here is the link:



-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@necas.nec.co.jp [mailto:xxxxx@necas.nec.co.jp]
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 4:00 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] About Ndis Intermediate Driver

I have some questions about ndis intermediate dirver.

1.Is the ndis intermediate driver a filter dirver?If the answer is
‘yes’,which kind of filter driver is it?
2.Does it have an AddDevice routine?

Any help will be appreciated.

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Good morning. This is Zhao from same company as YYang.

Sorry for distrubing you.

NDIS drivers are miniports.
What this sentence means?

We made a Ndis Intermediate Driver on WinNT4.0 based on imsamp. But now we
don’t know how to create a symbolic link in passthru. We expect your
comment. Thank you.

Best regards.

I guess you need to take time off from working on your driver and read the
DDK documentation thoroughly ^):

I posted a code snippet months ago in
comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.nt.kernel-mode newsgroup to show how one can
create a symboliclink using NdisMRegisterDevice. Please search the archive
at www.deja.com.

Better yet, the Whistler DDK contains updated passthru sample that along
with illustrating the usage of NDIS 5.1 features such as packet stacking,
canceling sendpackets, etc., (http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/Network/) it
shows proper usage of NdisMRegisterDevice. All the new features are included
with #ifdef NDIS51_MINIPORT so that you can compile the sample with Win2K
DDK and install on Win2K. Please read the comments in the sources file
before building the sample.

I have placed the sample on our public server temporarily for download. So
please go to http://support.microsoft.com/support/msfe/msferec.asp page and
type “passthru” ( all lower case) in the box and follow the procedure to get
a ZIP file.


-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@necas.nec.co.jp [mailto:xxxxx@necas.nec.co.jp]
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 1:00 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] RE: About Ndis Intermediate Driver

Good morning. This is Zhao from same company as YYang.

Sorry for distrubing you.

NDIS drivers are miniports.
What this sentence means?

We made a Ndis Intermediate Driver on WinNT4.0 based on imsamp. But now we
don’t know how to create a symbolic link in passthru. We expect your
comment. Thank you.

Best regards.

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