About CS curricula, OS architecture and driver programming, was Re: Two Rings Good, Four Rings Bad

lists.osr.com wrote:

> What on earth
> does the typical computer science curricula teach these days? Visual C#
> .NET and nothing else?

Since I’m currently working on my Masters in CompSci right now, I’d like to
report that the language of choice at the school I’m attending appears to be
Java, followed (way behind) by C. The OS(s) of choice are Solaris and

No classes even exist for anything like Device Drivers, Low level OS
architecture, or Embedded Systems, at least not through Computer Science.


I’m also very sad about the fact, that low level programming, OS
architecture (NT / Linux,
anything), driver programming and so on are almost entirely missing from
all CS curricula
in practically all faculties which I know about around me (Romania). It
there is anything,
then that is *very* theoretical and has little to do with real life
practical stuffs.

On the other hand, I taught last year a one semester course for Masters
degree students
about low level processor architecture and programming, basics of the NT
architecture and
some little NT driver programming. I was deeply sad by the fact, that
even that I was
showing up real life examples most students where just not interested
about the topics.
I got the feedback repeatedly from over 80% of the students, that
databases, Java, C# and
.NET are much more fun and much easier to do than stuffs like ASM, OS
kernel stuffs or
driver programming. Even coding Win32 with C, or concepts like
synchronizations, thread
contexts, semaphores, events and so on tend to be scary for quite a lot
of the students.

Did somebody experienced similar results? Why is that as the years are
passing, it is
more and more difficult to find somebody really interested in low-level

have a nice day,

Virus Analyst, SOFTWIN

It’s hard to believe that a computer science masters degree would not cover
OS design fundamentals as this encompasses many of the basic software
concepts. As an employer I’m aware that students emerge from these courses
with little practical knowledge of the real world, but I’d expect a computer
science graduate to have been taught the underlying principles that they
can later call upon to solve real problems. Familiarity with Turing, Knuth,
Kernighan and Ritchie (who was one of my lecturers back at college) ,
Stroustrup et al seems prerequisite. - Mike

----- Original Message -----
From: lists.osr.com
Newsgroups: ntdev
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 9:25 PM
Subject: Re:[ntdev] Two Rings Good, Four Rings Bad

What on earth
does the typical computer science curricula teach these days? Visual C#
.NET and nothing else?

Since I’m currently working on my Masters in CompSci right now, I’d like to
report that the language of choice at the school I’m attending appears to be
Java, followed (way behind) by C. The OS(s) of choice are Solaris and

No classes even exist for anything like Device Drivers, Low level OS
architecture, or Embedded Systems, at least not through Computer Science.


Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 10:58:48 +0300, Sandor LUKACS wrote:

Did somebody experienced similar results? Why is that as the years are
passing, it is
more and more difficult to find somebody really interested in low-level

have a nice day,

Virus Analyst, SOFTWIN

It’s called “The Culture of Instant Gratification”. :frowning:

While it has become worse over the years there has always been some of
this. I have interviewed people out of school for years, and it is amazing
how few know any of the fundamentals of what goes on in system software.
The only thing that keeps me sane was when I was a graduate student, “a
brilliant PHD candidate in software development who thesis had just been
accepted” was taking a class is was in on microprocessor architecture (back
in the early 8-bit days) the instructor explained the next assigment was to
write a serial device driver for the simple OS on the chip, the PHD
candidate gets up and asks “why do you need a device driver, just use a
print statement”

That was 30 years ago, unfortunately it now appears most students think
that way.

Don Burn (MVP, Windows DDK)
Windows 2k/XP/2k3 Filesystem and Driver Consulting
Website: http://www.windrvr.com
Blog: http://msmvps.com/blogs/WinDrvr
Remove StopSpam to reply

“Mike Kemp” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> It’s hard to believe that a computer science masters degree would not
> cover OS design fundamentals as this encompasses many of the basic
> software concepts. As an employer I’m aware that students emerge from
> these courses with little practical knowledge of the real world, but I’d
> expect a computer science graduate to have been taught the underlying
> principles that they can later call upon to solve real problems.
> Familiarity with Turing, Knuth, Kernighan and Ritchie (who was one of my
> lecturers back at college) , Stroustrup et al seems prerequisite. - Mike

>My system crashed, can you tell me why?

You have a bug in your driver.

(Finally, an on topic question, and one I can answer correctly and fully)

  • Dan.

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of xxxxx@osr.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 8:16 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] About CS curricula, OS architecture and driver
programming, was Re: Two Rings Good, Four Rings Bad

Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at


I now return you to our usual NTDEV. BTW, while I’m here: My
system crashed, can you tell me why?

Because you were using an IDE to develop a driver in C++ that performs

“Vossen, Joseph (ISS Atlanta)” wrote in message

> > I now return you to our usual NTDEV. BTW, while I’m here: My
> > system crashed, can you tell me why?

> Because you were using an IDE to develop a driver in C++ that performs
> encryption?

You forgot “hooks kernel calls to capture events, pokes inside things like
EPROCESS to access info, and uses your own brand of spin-locks because you
think you know how to do them better than the OS”

Don Burn (MVP, Windows DDK)
Windows 2k/XP/2k3 Filesystem and Driver Consulting
Website: http://www.windrvr.com
Blog: http://msmvps.com/blogs/WinDrvr
Remove StopSpam to reply

A few (perhaps not thought through) things came to mind with that first post:

(1) It’s more glamorous to drive the winning car than to work in the pit crew- to front the band than play the rhythm guitar or work the sound board- to sketch graceful buildings than to select materials and methods that put them together. I don’t ever expect that to change, particularly with the typical college / university student (in terms of age, self-esteem, motivation and aspirations).

(2) With infrastructure, especially established infrastructure, there’s always a sense that it’s all old, boring stuff that will never change (right back at the demographic again, so maybe that’s not such a different point). Someone in Electrical Engineering would make much the same complaint about interest in power distribution systems vs. the most recent chip design technologies. The other topics you mentioned will seem more cutting edge.

(3) There’s just a general idea that things that are already worked out and understood aren’t as much fun as things that aren’t. The OS just works [for their purposes, anyway]- who cares how! In a sense making us victims of our own success. So it doesn’t look like a place for growth.

When I was their age [early-to mid 1970’s), the last two in particular weren’t true- the OS arena was fairly immature (of course, as I remind my groaning teen-aged daughter, I predate space flight and satellites). There seemed to b emore opportunities to do something “cool”. Man-centuries of successful research, development and refinement have changed that picture.

Yes please


wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…


> [snip]

> > I now return you to our usual NTDEV. BTW, while I’m here: My
> > crashed, can you tell me why?

> Because you were using an IDE to develop a driver in C++ that
> encryption?

You forgot “hooks kernel calls to capture events, pokes inside things
EPROCESS to access info, and uses your own brand of spin-locks because
think you know how to do them better than the OS”

You are absolutely right…sorry.

Can anyone send me a complete example so I can finish up my graduate


Simple answer: The world is awash with C# .NET Java opportunities but in
contrast there are few kernel opportunities. The world of schools, colleges,
universities has less of an ‘academic’ focus and more of a ‘vocational’
focus. The extent of this might, or might no, be variable across

“Sandor LUKACS” wrote in message
> lists.osr.com wrote:
>>> What on earth
>>> does the typical computer science curricula teach these days? Visual C#
>>> .NET and nothing else?
>> Since I’m currently working on my Masters in CompSci right now, I’d like
>> to report that the language of choice at the school I’m attending appears
>> to be Java, followed (way behind) by C. The OS(s) of choice are Solaris
>> and Linux.
>> No classes even exist for anything like Device Drivers, Low level OS
>> architecture, or Embedded Systems, at least not through Computer Science.
>> sigh
> I’m also very sad about the fact, that low level programming, OS
> architecture (NT / Linux,
> anything), driver programming and so on are almost entirely missing from
> all CS curricula
> in practically all faculties which I know about around me (Romania). It
> there is anything,
> then that is very theoretical and has little to do with real life
> practical stuffs.
> On the other hand, I taught last year a one semester course for Masters
> degree students
> about low level processor architecture and programming, basics of the NT
> architecture and
> some little NT driver programming. I was deeply sad by the fact, that even
> that I was
> showing up real life examples most students where just not interested
> about the topics.
> I got the feedback repeatedly from over 80% of the students, that
> databases, Java, C# and
> .NET are much more fun and much easier to do than stuffs like ASM, OS
> kernel stuffs or
> driver programming. Even coding Win32 with C, or concepts like
> synchronizations, thread
> contexts, semaphores, events and so on tend to be scary for quite a lot of
> the students.
> Did somebody experienced similar results? Why is that as the years are
> passing, it is
> more and more difficult to find somebody really interested in low-level
> stuffs?
> have a nice day,
> Sandor LUKACS
> Virus Analyst, SOFTWIN
> www.bitdefender.com

xxxxx@osr.com wrote:

Sorry to interrupt the otherwise scintillating technical discussion…

Well, it HAS been scintillating, although admittedly off-topic.

I’m starting to wonder if we should start a separate list called “NTTALK – Semi-technical topics only tangentially related to Windows software development”

I can’t tell if this is a serious suggestion, or a continuation of the
maximal sarcasm mode you entered in paragraph N-1. Perhaps “let’s take
this to NTTALK” can become idiomatic for “this thread has veered
hopelessly off-topic”.

This is a difficult situation. Many of us are “experienced”, have
strong opinions, and like to hear ourselves talk. That’s a dangerous
combination. Personally, I enjoy the occasional off-topic diversion.
Why, in the last week alone, NTDEV has forced me to go back and re-read
the research on Multics, think about secure operating system design,
formulate reasoned opinions on computer science education (which I was
going to share until I read this message…), and Google to find out
what a “callout driver” was. That’s “continuing education,” in my book,
and makes it worth my time to continue to subscribe.

But, you’re right, it’s not about Windows operating system programming.
The fact is, you (OSR) own the hardware. You control the vertical, and
the horizontal.

Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

> ----------

From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com[SMTP:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] on behalf of xxxxx@osr.com[SMTP:xxxxx@osr.com]
Reply To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 4:15 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] About CS curricula, OS architecture and driver programming, was Re: Two Rings Good, Four Rings Bad

I’m starting to wonder if we should start a separate list called “NTTALK – Semi-technical topics only tangentially related to Windows software development”

Definitely yes! With auto-subscribe feature which’d add everybody who makes a post to one of these threads.

Best regards,

Michal Vodicka
UPEK, Inc.
[xxxxx@upek.com, http://www.upek.com]

Just my two cents on the topic.

I came out of the university not long ago from Italy. I studied EE and then
moved to CompEng and networking. I work in the driver dev field and i’m far
from being an expert. I know something. I just usually know my limits.

My experience in italy (in *my* university) is that

  1. students are not pushed too much to their limits. Most of the assignments
    are too trivial and students are not stimulated to use their brains to find
    their solutions. Maybe because the same assignments are used over the
  2. i’ve been told that the university has to teach you how to program, how
    to design an application, bla bla bla. And they don’t want to stick with a
    specific IDE or tool because of that. The neat result is that you come out
    of the university without practical experience in working with a project
    with 500+ LOC. And worse. Without having any idea of how to use a debugger.
    And I’m not talking about windbg, the VS debugger, gdb or any other. Just
    know how to use something more that printf’s in the code. I wonder if this
    is the reason why there are so many posts on this mailing list like “my
    driver crashes. Help!”.
  3. Regarding driver dev and OS architecture, if you study CS or EE you’ll
    have had a class on OS fundamentals at a certain point. But very little is
    done to have the students really “touch” the OS and understand what’s really
    going on. Students are neither motivated (by the instructors) nor interested
    in learning that (too difficult?). And the result is that students
    (including myself up to some years ago) don’t have a clear idea of what a
    virtual address space is. What surprises me is that if you do know how your
    OS works, it’s way easier to develop any piece of software. From a driver to
    a C# application.
  4. There’s been a push in teaching C#/Java instead of C. Good? Bad? I don’t
    know. I think that knowing C is important, as much as I think that using a
    strongly typed language like C# should be favoured when possible. Less
    chances of mixing apples with pears and messing up with void pointers… yay
    (yes, I’m also a big fan of .NET, together with Windows internals. It’s
    kinda weird). But you also need to know how a VM like the CLR for .NET or
    the JVM for Java works. Hearing phrases like “oh, with java/C# it’s easier
    beacuse you don’t need to free memory” is really discouraging.
    Maybe I’m too demanding (even to myself). But I want to know things work.

Have a nice day

----- Original Message -----
From: “Lyndon J Clarke”
Newsgroups: ntdev
To: “Windows System Software Devs Interest List”
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 9:46 AM
Subject: Re:[ntdev] About CS curricula, OS architecture and driver
programming, was Re: Two Rings Good, Four Rings Bad

> Simple answer: The world is awash with C# .NET Java opportunities but in
> contrast there are few kernel opportunities. The world of schools,
> colleges, universities has less of an ‘academic’ focus and more of a
> ‘vocational’ focus. The extent of this might, or might no, be variable
> across geographies.
> “Sandor LUKACS” wrote in message
> news:xxxxx@ntdev…
>> lists.osr.com wrote:
>>>> What on earth
>>>> does the typical computer science curricula teach these days? Visual
>>>> C#
>>>> .NET and nothing else?
>>> Since I’m currently working on my Masters in CompSci right now, I’d like
>>> to report that the language of choice at the school I’m attending
>>> appears to be Java, followed (way behind) by C. The OS(s) of choice are
>>> Solaris and Linux.
>>> No classes even exist for anything like Device Drivers, Low level OS
>>> architecture, or Embedded Systems, at least not through Computer
>>> Science.
>>> sigh
>> I’m also very sad about the fact, that low level programming, OS
>> architecture (NT / Linux,
>> anything), driver programming and so on are almost entirely missing from
>> all CS curricula
>> in practically all faculties which I know about around me (Romania). It
>> there is anything,
>> then that is very theoretical and has little to do with real life
>> practical stuffs.
>> On the other hand, I taught last year a one semester course for Masters
>> degree students
>> about low level processor architecture and programming, basics of the NT
>> architecture and
>> some little NT driver programming. I was deeply sad by the fact, that
>> even that I was
>> showing up real life examples most students where just not interested
>> about the topics.
>> I got the feedback repeatedly from over 80% of the students, that
>> databases, Java, C# and
>> .NET are much more fun and much easier to do than stuffs like ASM, OS
>> kernel stuffs or
>> driver programming. Even coding Win32 with C, or concepts like
>> synchronizations, thread
>> contexts, semaphores, events and so on tend to be scary for quite a lot
>> of the students.
>> Did somebody experienced similar results? Why is that as the years are
>> passing, it is
>> more and more difficult to find somebody really interested in low-level
>> stuffs?
>> have a nice day,
>> Sandor LUKACS
>> Virus Analyst, SOFTWIN
>> www.bitdefender.com
> —
> Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at
> http://www.osronline.com/article.cfm?id=256
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at
> http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer

Although not a CS person, I agree with you completely. Since your time,
Academia cashed in. I have no issue with that. The part that really
sucks, and ought to be just embarassing, is that the curriculum is
supposed to be “practical.” This is what the all the awesome material
you talk about was dumped for - Visual Basic, et. c. When coupled with
the very Academic idea of the Right Way of Doing Things, and totally
good but sometimes problematic youthfully arrogance/ignorance, the
results can just be frightening.

>> xxxxx@sintefex.com 2007-04-04 04:40:01 >>>
It’s hard to believe that a computer science masters degree would not
OS design fundamentals as this encompasses many of the basic software
concepts. As an employer I’m aware that students emerge from these
with little practical knowledge of the real world, but I’d expect a
science graduate to have been taught the underlying principles that
can later call upon to solve real problems. Familiarity with Turing,
Kernighan and Ritchie (who was one of my lecturers back at college) ,
Stroustrup et al seems prerequisite. - Mike

----- Original Message -----
From: lists.osr.com
Newsgroups: ntdev
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 9:25 PM
Subject: Re:[ntdev] Two Rings Good, Four Rings Bad

What on earth
does the typical computer science curricula teach these days? Visual
.NET and nothing else?

Since I’m currently working on my Masters in CompSci right now, I’d
like to
report that the language of choice at the school I’m attending appears
to be
Java, followed (way behind) by C. The OS(s) of choice are Solaris and

No classes even exist for anything like Device Drivers, Low level OS
architecture, or Embedded Systems, at least not through Computer


Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Frightening. That’s a great story, Don.


>> xxxxx@acm.org 2007-04-04 08:35:13 >>>
While it has become worse over the years there has always been some of

this. I have interviewed people out of school for years, and it is
how few know any of the fundamentals of what goes on in system
The only thing that keeps me sane was when I was a graduate student, "a

brilliant PHD candidate in software development who thesis had just
accepted" was taking a class is was in on microprocessor architecture
in the early 8-bit days) the instructor explained the next assigment
was to
write a serial device driver for the simple OS on the chip, the PHD
candidate gets up and asks "why do you need a device driver, just use a

print statement"

That was 30 years ago, unfortunately it now appears most students think

that way.

Don Burn (MVP, Windows DDK)
Windows 2k/XP/2k3 Filesystem and Driver Consulting
Website: http://www.windrvr.com
Blog: http://msmvps.com/blogs/WinDrvr
Remove StopSpam to reply

“Mike Kemp” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> It’s hard to believe that a computer science masters degree would not

> cover OS design fundamentals as this encompasses many of the basic
> software concepts. As an employer I’m aware that students emerge from

> these courses with little practical knowledge of the real world, but
> expect a computer science graduate to have been taught the underlying

> principles that they can later call upon to solve real problems.
> Familiarity with Turing, Knuth, Kernighan and Ritchie (who was one of
> lecturers back at college) , Stroustrup et al seems prerequisite. -

Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Like all great art, the ultimate interpretation must be left to the viewer.

I mean, what IS Gravity’s Rainbow about, anyhow? Did Kurt Cobain ever read it? Can we ask him? If we can, how will we recognize his answer?


Martin O’Brien wrote:

Although not a CS person, I agree with you completely. Since your time,
Academia cashed in. I have no issue with that. The part that really
sucks, and ought to be just embarassing, is that the curriculum is
supposed to be “practical.” This is what the all the awesome material
you talk about was dumped for - Visual Basic, et. c. When coupled with
the very Academic idea of the Right Way of Doing Things, and totally
good but sometimes problematic youthfully arrogance/ignorance, the
results can just be frightening.

Yes, and I’m surprised by this. I don’t really expect a fresh Computer
Science university graduate to be an expert in Access, or in Linux, or
in Windows drivers, or in C#. What I do expect is that they will have
been exposed to a number of languages, will have written enough of a
compiler to understand what it does for them, will know about relational
database concepts, will understand data structures and why they are
important, will understand basic computer architecture, and will have a
basic understanding of the core functions and algorithms of an operating

Let’s be honest, once you know how programming languages work, learning
a new one is not a gigantic task. What I want is someone that CAN be

Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.


I think the reason for the increase in numbers of “my driver dont work”
posts (at least it is my perception tat ther eis an increase) is rooted in
outsourcing and particular offshoring.

Kind regards

“Gianluca Varenni” wrote in message
> Just my two cents on the topic.
> I came out of the university not long ago from Italy. I studied EE and
> then moved to CompEng and networking. I work in the driver dev field and
> i’m far from being an expert. I know something. I just usually know my
> limits.
> My experience in italy (in my university) is that
> 1. students are not pushed too much to their limits. Most of the
> assignments are too trivial and students are not stimulated to use their
> brains to find their solutions. Maybe because the same assignments are
> used over the years?!?
> 2. i’ve been told that the university has to teach you how to program, how
> to design an application, bla bla bla. And they don’t want to stick with a
> specific IDE or tool because of that. The neat result is that you come out
> of the university without practical experience in working with a project
> with 500+ LOC. And worse. Without having any idea of how to use a
> debugger. And I’m not talking about windbg, the VS debugger, gdb or any
> other. Just know how to use something more that printf’s in the code. I
> wonder if this is the reason why there are so many posts on this mailing
> list like “my driver crashes. Help!”.
> 3. Regarding driver dev and OS architecture, if you study CS or EE you’ll
> have had a class on OS fundamentals at a certain point. But very little is
> done to have the students really “touch” the OS and understand what’s
> really going on. Students are neither motivated (by the instructors) nor
> interested in learning that (too difficult?). And the result is that
> students (including myself up to some years ago) don’t have a clear idea
> of what a virtual address space is. What surprises me is that if you do
> know how your OS works, it’s way easier to develop any piece of software.
> From a driver to a C# application.
> 4. There’s been a push in teaching C#/Java instead of C. Good? Bad? I
> don’t know. I think that knowing C is important, as much as I think that
> using a strongly typed language like C# should be favoured when possible.
> Less chances of mixing apples with pears and messing up with void
> pointers… yay (yes, I’m also a big fan of .NET, together with Windows
> internals. It’s kinda weird). But you also need to know how a VM like the
> CLR for .NET or the JVM for Java works. Hearing phrases like “oh, with
> java/C# it’s easier beacuse you don’t need to free memory” is really
> discouraging.
> Maybe I’m too demanding (even to myself). But I want to know things work.
> Have a nice day
> GV
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: “Lyndon J Clarke”
> Newsgroups: ntdev
> To: “Windows System Software Devs Interest List”
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 9:46 AM
> Subject: Re:[ntdev] About CS curricula, OS architecture and driver
> programming, was Re: Two Rings Good, Four Rings Bad
>> Simple answer: The world is awash with C# .NET Java opportunities but in
>> contrast there are few kernel opportunities. The world of schools,
>> colleges, universities has less of an ‘academic’ focus and more of a
>> ‘vocational’ focus. The extent of this might, or might no, be variable
>> across geographies.
>> “Sandor LUKACS” wrote in message
>> news:xxxxx@ntdev…
>>> lists.osr.com wrote:
>>>>> What on earth
>>>>> does the typical computer science curricula teach these days? Visual
>>>>> C#
>>>>> .NET and nothing else?
>>>> Since I’m currently working on my Masters in CompSci right now, I’d
>>>> like to report that the language of choice at the school I’m attending
>>>> appears to be Java, followed (way behind) by C. The OS(s) of choice
>>>> are Solaris and Linux.
>>>> No classes even exist for anything like Device Drivers, Low level OS
>>>> architecture, or Embedded Systems, at least not through Computer
>>>> Science.
>>>> sigh
>>> I’m also very sad about the fact, that low level programming, OS
>>> architecture (NT / Linux,
>>> anything), driver programming and so on are almost entirely missing from
>>> all CS curricula
>>> in practically all faculties which I know about around me (Romania). It
>>> there is anything,
>>> then that is very theoretical and has little to do with real life
>>> practical stuffs.
>>> On the other hand, I taught last year a one semester course for Masters
>>> degree students
>>> about low level processor architecture and programming, basics of the NT
>>> architecture and
>>> some little NT driver programming. I was deeply sad by the fact, that
>>> even that I was
>>> showing up real life examples most students where just not interested
>>> about the topics.
>>> I got the feedback repeatedly from over 80% of the students, that
>>> databases, Java, C# and
>>> .NET are much more fun and much easier to do than stuffs like ASM, OS
>>> kernel stuffs or
>>> driver programming. Even coding Win32 with C, or concepts like
>>> synchronizations, thread
>>> contexts, semaphores, events and so on tend to be scary for quite a lot
>>> of the students.
>>> Did somebody experienced similar results? Why is that as the years are
>>> passing, it is
>>> more and more difficult to find somebody really interested in low-level
>>> stuffs?
>>> have a nice day,
>>> Sandor LUKACS
>>> Virus Analyst, SOFTWIN
>>> www.bitdefender.com
>> —
>> Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at
>> http://www.osronline.com/article.cfm?id=256
>> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at
>> http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=ListServer