A bug in the filespy sample

Hi all,
I found something there.
In the DriverEntry() of filespy, three global UNICODE_STRING,
gVolumeString gOverrunString gPagingIoString are not correctly initialed
like this:

RtlInitUnicodeString(&gVolumeString, L"VOLUME");
RtlInitUnicodeString(&gOverrunString, L"…“);
RtlInitUnicodeString(&gPagingIoString, L"Paging IO”);

Later on, when SpyGetPathName() need to do this:

// This is an operation on the volume
if (FileObject->FileName.Length == 0) {

length = MINIMUM(MaxLength,
(gVolumeString.MaximumLength + volumeNameLength));

if (volumeNameLength) {


gVolumeString.Buffer, /*** BUG CHCKED!!! *****/
length );

return length;

You’ll get a bug check with code PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, because
gVolumeString.Buffer is not accessable.

I give my way out:

WCHAR volumeString=L"Volunme";
//declare a golbal string like gVolumnString

//in the DriverEntry()
RtlInitUnicodeString(&gVolumeString, volumnString);

I am using Win2K build 2195, with SoftICE 4.


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On 03/23/01, “xxxxx@21cn.com” wrote:

Hi all,
I found something there.
In the DriverEntry() of filespy, three global UNICODE_STRING,
gVolumeString gOverrunString gPagingIoString are not correctly initialed
like this:

RtlInitUnicodeString(&gVolumeString, L"VOLUME");
RtlInitUnicodeString(&gOverrunString, L"…“);
RtlInitUnicodeString(&gPagingIoString, L"Paging IO”);

Later on, when SpyGetPathName() need to do this:
sorry, it is SpyGetFullPathName

// This is an operation on the volume
if (FileObject->FileName.Length == 0) {

length = MINIMUM(MaxLength,
(gVolumeString.MaximumLength + volumeNameLength));

if (volumeNameLength) {


gVolumeString.Buffer, /*** BUG CHCKED!!! *****/
length );

return length;

You’ll get a bug check with code PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, because
gVolumeString.Buffer is not accessable.

I give my way out:

WCHAR volumeString=L"Volunme";
//declare a golbal string like gVolumnString

//in the DriverEntry()
RtlInitUnicodeString(&gVolumeString, volumnString);

I am using Win2K build 2195, with SoftICE 4.


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