64-Bit assembler for windows


not a WDK question at all, but maybe someone knows: I am looking for a assembler that can run on a 32bit os and can generate a 64 bit binaryfile from source, not necessarily a PE structure. Its perfectly fine if the assembler can generate a “flat” binary image straight from the instructions. Does someone know some assembler that can do that? I am a little out of shape on that topic,… (who really needs assembly anymore nowadays) *g*




Yasm can do that out of the box; binutils/as/gas can also do this running
under cygwin/mingw, though you may have to build it yourself, depending on
the configuration of bfd.

For what it is worth, if you are planning on creating some sort of modified
output format, I would recommend going with yasm, as I find the source much,
much easier to understand.

Good luck,


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From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
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Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 4:56 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] 64-Bit assembler for windows


not a WDK question at all, but maybe someone knows: I am looking for a
assembler that can run on a 32bit os and can generate a 64 bit binaryfile
from source, not necessarily a PE structure. Its perfectly fine if the
assembler can generate a “flat” binary image straight from the instructions.
Does someone know some assembler that can do that? I am a little out of
shape on that topic,… (who really needs assembly anymore nowadays) *g*




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Magic! Thanks! I am running some special code and self made asm executor under a C#/.NET runtime and i need some asm sequences i can run out from my .NET assembly and due to the fact i have to differentiate the os i need to run special instruction sequences depending on processor type . I know it sounds strange doing that on .NET but it has its purpose.

