windows node creation for printer

thanks for ur reply ,can u suggest me a site to know abt how to write a bus driver,any ideas do u have regarding this,can u help me out,thanks in advance

can anybody can answer it,can u suggest me a site to know abt how to write a bus driver,any ideas do u have regarding this,can u help me out,thanks in advance wrote:

can anybody can answer it,can u suggest me a site to know abt how to write a bus driver,any ideas do u have regarding this,can u help me out,thanks in advance

We can show you how to write a bus driver, but that won’t actually solve
your problem. I understood that you wanted to do remote printing.

The longer you are coy about what overall, top-level goal you are
actually trying to achieve, the more you waste our time and your time by
chasing down rat-hole technologies that do not actually solve your
problem. Tell us what you are REALLY trying to do, in a fair amount of
detail, and we will be able to guide you to a proper solution.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Tim Roberts wrote:

The longer you are coy about what overall, top-level goal
you are actually trying to achieve, the more you waste our
time and your time by chasing down rat-hole technologies
that do not actually solve your problem.

I think this person already admitted they are really trying to make Yet-Another-USB-over-IP product. In that case, they will probably need more skills than simply parroting back sentence fragments that other people already wrote.