Hi Tim,
I tried :
addfilter.exe /add wdfsimple.sys /device “pci\ven_8086&dev_3a18”
and got:
No devices matched that name
What is the parameter “device” in my case ?
Your help is highly appreciated,
-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Roberts
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2014 8:37 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: Re: [ntdev] Obtain GUID of driver supplied by microsoft
xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:
Tim Roberts wrote:
“Write a filter driver that accepts your custom requests, insert it as an
upper filter to your PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A18, and off you go. You will
not use an INF. You will not use a GUID. You will not be present in
Device Manager.”
Can you explain how to install my driver as “upper filter” without INF ?
Let me ask you the opposite question. How would you install it WITH an
INF? Remember the “toaster” sample installs a function driver PLUS a
filter. You want to add a filter to driver that already exists.
In the WDK samples, storage\filters\addfilter contains a generic example
of how to add an upper filter to a device that already exists. This
only tweaks the registry key; you still have to copy the file into place
and create a service for it. That can be done with a batch file.
In toaster.c, the user gets fdoData->BusInterface by calling:
status = WdfFdoQueryForInterface(Device,
(PINTERFACE) &fdoData->BusInterface,
NULL);// InterfaceSpecific Data
In the toaster sample, the define GUID_TOASTER_INTERFACE_STANDARD is used
in the filter and also in the bus.
I guess in my case I will use a GUID not shared by other drivers.
Am I right ?
No. You will not use WdfFdoQueryForInterface at all. That whole
mechanism is used for communication between drivers.
You DO need to figure out how to let your user-mode clients find you.
For that, you might very well use a device interface, and that does need
Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
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