He mentioned that it was not yet completed. It looks like he may have uncommitted changes.
I’ll take a look later today and get back.
Tim, I stopped working on this as I didn’t see any interest for this in the NTDEV. I can start if some really good interests are there. As I’ve already implemented this in my earlier company.
Well, don’t do it on my account. I’m retired now, and will not be using this. I can’t judge how much value it will be to the community.
It is not on your account but if a few guys are eager to use it in the production, then I can get that done.
I for one would be excited if someone did something about NVMeoF for Windows. I tested the IBM / Emulex drivers about 6 months ago and they were tangibly worse than the SCSI versions of the same - despite the obvious potential for performance improvement offered by MVMeoF.
But unless I can support it out of my own dev team, of it comes with support from Microsoft or another major vendor, it is unlikely that I can get something like this approved for production. It would have to be a very compelling performance improvement, and a lower risk like source license.
I’ve already done both NVMe over TCP and NVMe over RDMA in the separate drivers. That was the reason I need to bring both fabrics together in this source. And bot drivers were giving almost Line rate with TCP and RDMA over RoCE and IB.
@Yatindra_Vaishnav said:
I’ve already done both NVMe over TCP and NVMe over RDMA in the separate drivers. That was the reason I need to bring both fabrics together in this source. And bot drivers were giving almost Line rate with TCP and RDMA over RoCE and IB.
We’d be very happy to see a complete driver code if you could find time to get it done. Would be interested in trying out the NVMe-o-TCP driver. We’re using NVMe-o-TCP target from Linux distribution.
If needed I can show the demo. with your NVMe-o-TCP target.
@Yatindra_Vaishnav said:
If needed I can show the demo. with your NVMe-o-TCP target.
Not sure what does demo mean. I thought you would like to publish a complete source code and let people to try it out. I did a few open source projects too, in which I always just published complete source codes as well as very detailed README.md such that people can just spend as least effort as possible to make it work at very first try. If people run into issues they can simply report issue through GitHub.