Masm 64 call native API (NtOpenFile/NtWrteFile)

You have not written code to place a zero in RCX for use as a comparand. You have written code to write 0 to the qword at the address contained in rcx.

Good Luck.
Dave Cattley

if you want to make ecx 0 for comaprison
use mov ecx, 0 / mov rcx ,0 , xor ecx, ecx xor rcx rcx etc
do not write to bogus memory

ecx rcx is as DT said undefined and is a sure cause to crash

On 12/6/16, Dave Cattley wrote:
> You have not written code to place a zero in RCX for use as a comparand.
> You have written code to write 0 to the qword at the address contained in
> rcx.
> Good Luck.
> Dave Cattley
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> mov qword ptr rcx, 0h

Ok this instruction does compile but it is not needed. To check for a NULL returned value do the following:

call RAX; RAX is loaded with GetProcessAddress
test RAX, RAX; if RAX is loaded with 0, the 0 flag bit is set by the test instruction
je _GetProcAddress_Failed; jump to the error Handler if GetProcAddress returned NULL