How to load kmdf driver (wfp/inspect) on system boot.

Can you please share some examples on how to use FwpmBfeStateSubscribeChanges

C’mon dude… You have Google, right?

The first result when you Google the name of the function is the WDK docs for the function. The second is the H file where the function is declared. And the third result is an example from the WDK showing how to use this function.

We all wanna help. We do. But PLEASE… do your homework. Or, you know, hire somebody to write your driver.


If you use an installer you can specify filters that take affect when the driver first loads and filters that take affect when BFE is started. Check the documentation for FwpmFilterAdd. Your installer sets up the filters and callouts. Your driver connects to these callouts.
If you have an installer program you will need an uninstall program.

Bill Wandel

While boot state , the kernel filter engine may be not initialized yet. So, what should you is registering a callback with FwpmBfeStateSubscribeChanges in which you can open filter engine . You can find this in WDK WFPSample.