Driver Installation headaches.

You need to post the CopyFiles, SourceDiskNames, and SourceDiskFiles

Bill Wandel

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 12:04 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Driver Installation headaches.

Sorry, I accidently hit submit before I was done typing. That error is
combined with the DriverPackageInstallW error code of 0x65B. I haven’t been
able to hunt down what that code means yet… I’m doing that now.

My inf is setup as follows for the services section:
AddService = OsrDmk,OsrDmk.Service
AddService = OsrDs,OsrDs.Service
AddService = OsrDt,OsrDt.Service

DisplayName = “OSR Data Manipulation Kit - core services”
Description = “Osr Dmk - Core”
ServiceBinary = %12%\OsrDmk.sys
LoadOrderGroup = “FSFilter Compression”
AddReg = OsrDmk.AddRegistry
Dependencies = FltMgr

DisplayName = “DSmanager”
Description = “OSR DS SERVICE”
ServiceBinary = %12%\OsrDsManager.sys
LoadOrderGroup = “FSFilter Compression”
AddReg = OsrDs.AddRegistry

DisplayName = “OSR Data Manipulation Kit - Dt services”
Description = “Osr Dmk - Dt”
ServiceBinary = %12%\OsrDt.sys ;%windir%\system32\drivers\OsrDt.sys
LoadOrderGroup = “FSFilter Compression”
AddReg = OsrDt.AddRegistry
Dependencies = FltMgr

Keeping in mind this supposedly installs when running the simple default
install section, I’m not quite sure what’s going on here. Any more insight
is greatly appreciated.


– Original message —
Ok, Thanks for the assistance thus far, gents. Inf’s are new to me and I
appreciate the help greatly. I have fixed the sourcedisksissue. I also added
a new guid for the class type. I also modified the version date to match NA
standards. I am currently NOT using a cat file because my driver and its
files are currently not signed. I’m now getting the following error: "Could
Not Get Services associated with the driver package.

---- original message ----
Next is the SourceDiskFiles problem. Bill Wandel

– Original Message ----
> Since my driver is unsigned, and the driver doesn’t have a guid header
file, wouldn’t a guid cause >issues? If you have invented a setup class
name, then please also invent a GUID for it. – Original Message — >
DriverVer is defined as being mm/dd/yyyy. I think that xx/yy/zzzz is always
the American mm/dd/yyyy To use European, people usually write
dots and not slashes.

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Maxim S. Shatskih wrote:

> DriverVer is defined as being mm/dd/yyyy.

I think that xx/yy/zzzz is always the American mm/dd/yyyy

To use European, people usually write dots and not slashes.

Maybe so, but that contradicts the documentation. According to the doc,
DriverVer must be either mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. No dots, month first.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Here they are:

I do not have a sourcedisksnames section.


CopyINF = OsrDmk.UserFiles
CopyFiles = OsrDmk.DriverFiles, OsrDs.DriverFiles, OsrDt.DriverFiles





AddService = OsrDmk,OsrDmk.Service
AddService = OsrDs,OsrDs.Service
AddService = OsrDt,OsrDt.Service

DisplayName = “OSR Data Manipulation Kit - core services”
Description = “Osr Dmk - Core”
ServiceBinary = %12%\OsrDmk.sys ;%windir%\system32\drivers\OsrDmk.sys
LoadOrderGroup = “FSFilter Compression”
AddReg = OsrDmk.AddRegistry
Dependencies = FltMgr

DisplayName = “DSmanager”
Description = “OSR DS SERVICE”
ServiceBinary = %12%\OsrDsManager.sys
LoadOrderGroup = “FSFilter Compression”
AddReg = OsrDs.AddRegistry

DisplayName = “OSR Data Manipulation Kit - Dt services”
Description = “Osr Dmk - Dt”
ServiceBinary = %12%\OsrDt.sys ;%windir%\system32\drivers\OsrDt.sys
LoadOrderGroup = “FSFilter Compression”
AddReg = OsrDt.AddRegistry
Dependencies = FltMgr

HKR,“BreakOnEntry”,0x00010001, %BreakOnEntry%
HKR,“ThreadPrio”, 0x00010001, %ThreadPrio%
HKR,“RegisterAsFileSystem”, 0x00010001, %RegisterAsFileSystem%
HKR,“PolicyChangeThreads”, 0x00010001, %PolicyChangeThreads%
HKR,“DispatchThreads”, 0x00010001, %DispatchThreads%

HKR,“BreakOnEntry”,0x00010001, %BreakOnEntry%
HKR,“SpaceCleanerThreadPrio”, 0x00010001, %SpaceCleanerThreadPrio%
HKR,“SpaceCleanerThreads”, 0x00010001, %SpaceCleanerThreads%
HKR,“TimeCleanerThreadPrio”, 0x00010001, %TimeCleanerThreadPrio%
HKR,“TimeCleanerThreads”, 0x00010001, %TimeCleanerThreads%
HKR,“FlushThreadPrio”, 0x00010001, %FlushThreadPrio%
HKR,“FlushThreads”, 0x00010001, %FlushThreads%
HKR,“CleanOnClose”, 0x00010001, %CleanOnClose%
HKR,“ReadWriteCheck”, 0x00010001, %ReadWriteCheck%
HKR,“CheckpointCheck”, 0x00010001, %CheckPointCheck%

HKR,“BreakOnEntry”,0x00010001, %BreakOnEntry%

— Original Message ----

You need to post the CopyFiles, SourceDiskNames, and SourceDiskFiles sections. Bill Wandel

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 12:04 PM To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List Subject: RE:[ntdev] Driver Installation headaches.

Sorry, I accidently hit submit before I was done typing. That error is combined with the DriverPackageInstallW error code of 0x65B. I haven’t been able to hunt down what that code means yet… I’m doing that now. My inf is setup as follows for the services section: [DefaultInstall.Services] AddService = OsrDmk,OsrDmk.Service AddService = OsrDs,OsrDs.Service AddService = OsrDt,OsrDt.Service [OsrDmk.Service] DisplayName = “OSR Data Manipulation Kit - core services” Description = “Osr Dmk - Core” ServiceBinary = %12%\OsrDmk.sys ;%windir%\system32\drivers\OsrDmk.sys ServiceType = 2 ;SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER StartType = 3 ;SERVICE_DEMAND_START ErrorControl = 1 ;SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL LoadOrderGroup = “FSFilter Compression” AddReg = OsrDmk.AddRegistry Dependencies = FltMgr [OsrDs.Service] DisplayName = “DSmanager” Description = “OSR DS SERVICE” ServiceBinary = %12%\OsrDsManager.sys ServiceType = 2 ;SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER StartType = 3 ;SERVICE_DEMAND_START ErrorControl = 1 ;SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL LoadOrderGroup = “FSFilter Compression” AddReg = OsrDs.AddRegistry [OsrDt.Service] DisplayName = “OSR Data Manipulation Kit - Dt services” Description = “Osr Dmk - Dt” ServiceBinary = %12%\OsrDt.sys ;%windir%\system32\drivers\OsrDt.sys ServiceType = 2 ;SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER StartType = 3 ;SERVICE_DEMAND_START ErrorControl = 1 ;SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL LoadOrderGroup = “FSFilter Compression” AddReg = OsrDt.AddRegistry Dependencies = FltMgr Keeping in mind this supposedly installs when running the simple default install section, I’m not quite sure what’s going on here. Any more insight is greatly appreciated. Best, D wrote:

Here they are:

I do not have a sourcedisksnames section.

That’s a bug. Didn’t chkinf tell you that?


Should be:
OsrDt.sys = 5
OsrDsManager.sys = 5
OsrDmk.sys = 5
Osrdmk.inf = 5

5 = “Our Filter Install Disk”

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Ironically, I’m working from home today and didn’t have the ddk installed, so inbetween my last message and now I’ve gotten the ddk installed and ran the inf through chkinf and have found several errors. I’m working to resolve those errors now.

I still do not understand the relationship between the SouceDisksNames and SourceDisksFiles and why they have a number associated with them, nor do I understand why I am supposed to add the .inf to the SourceDisksFiles when the MSDN documentation explains that you shouldn’t be copying the .inf through the source disks files and should only be using the copyINF directive.

Again, I appreciate all the help. What I thought would be straight forward has turned into a little bit of a learning curve.

---- Original Message ---- wrote: > Here they are: > > I do not have a sourcedisksnames section. > That’s a bug. Didn’t chkinf tell you that? > [SourceDisksFiles] > OsrDt.sys > OsrDsManager.sys > OsrDmk.sys > Should be: [SourceDisksFiles] OsrDt.sys = 5 OsrDsManager.sys = 5 OsrDmk.sys = 5 Osrdmk.inf = 5 [SourceDisksNames] 5 = “Our Filter Install Disk” – Tim Roberts, Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

I don’t think that I have ever added the inf file to the SourceDiskFiles
section. Was that an issue with W2K?

I checked the inf files that I have used with dpinst and they all have a
SourceDiskFiles section while some other inf files that I have used with the
right click method do not have a SourceDiskFiles section. It appears that
the code behind the right click method is a lot more forgiving.

Bill Wandel

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 2:23 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Driver Installation headaches.

Ironically, I’m working from home today and didn’t have the ddk installed,
so inbetween my last message and now I’ve gotten the ddk installed and ran
the inf through chkinf and have found several errors. I’m working to
resolve those errors now.

I still do not understand the relationship between the SouceDisksNames and
SourceDisksFiles and why they have a number associated with them, nor do I
understand why I am supposed to add the .inf to the SourceDisksFiles when
the MSDN documentation explains that you shouldn’t be copying the .inf
through the source disks files and should only be using the copyINF

Again, I appreciate all the help. What I thought would be straight forward
has turned into a little bit of a learning curve.

---- Original Message ---- wrote: > Here they are: > > I do not have a
sourcedisksnames section. > That’s a bug. Didn’t chkinf tell you that? >
[SourceDisksFiles] > OsrDt.sys > OsrDsManager.sys > OsrDmk.sys > Should be:
[SourceDisksFiles] OsrDt.sys = 5 OsrDsManager.sys = 5 OsrDmk.sys = 5
Osrdmk.inf = 5 [SourceDisksNames] 5 = “Our Filter Install Disk” – Tim
Roberts, Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

It’s really simple, but obscure, actually. Think back to the time of floppy disks, when all this INF stuff was invented.

SourceDisksNames lets you provide a human readable name for each installation disk. This allows the installer to prompt to user, using this name, to insert the appropriate disk into the system. You identify each disk by giving it an arbitrary number.

The installer, being incredibly stupid, needs to know the files to copy during the installation procedure. It also needs to know which disk each of these files is on. This is done in SourceDisksFiles.

So, now the installer knows which disk each file you need is on.

You tell the installer where to copy each of these files in the CopyFiles section.

See… it’s really easy. If you already know how to write an INF file, that is. Otherwise, it’s obtuse and impossibly difficult.

OSR wrote:

I still do not understand the relationship between the SouceDisksNames and SourceDisksFiles and why they have a number associated with them,

Partly, this is a leftover from past systems. The INF is allowed to be
in a different location from other driver files. When the INF is
processed, if the system can’t find one of the driver files, it needs to
know where to look. SourceDisksFiles tells it which installation floppy
or installation CD contains that file. SourceDisksNames names that
installation floppy or installation CD, so Device Manager can put up a
dialog saying

Please insert the “Our Filter Install Disk” which contains “OsrDt.sys”.

nor do I understand why I am supposed to add the .inf to the SourceDisksFiles when the MSDN documentation explains that you shouldn’t be copying the .inf through the source disks files and should only be using the copyINF directive.

I don’t understand the MSDN comment, either. In the usual (PnP) case,
CopyINF is only used to copy INFs other than the one currently being
processed. In that case, it’s still going to need to know where to find
that other INF. I think the comment is trying to tell you not to use
CopyFiles to copy INFs, but to use CopyINF instead. Maybe CopyINF
doesn’t use SourceDisksFiles – I don’t know.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Yup, and I am in the process of learning how to write one for the first time, lol.

Ok, I’m making some progress now that I finally got my chkinf stuff all working properly. I have the following errors that I’m working to make sense of:

Line 8: (E22.1.1081) Directive: CatalogFile required (and must not be blank) in section [Version] for WHQL digital signature.
Line 57: (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’, ‘Application’, or ‘Security’
Line 58: (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’, ‘Application’, or ‘Security’
Line 59: (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’, ‘Application’, or ‘Security’

The first error I understand if I’m trying to handle a signed driver, but this is an unsigned version…

The other 3 errors don’t make much sense to me. I modified the following lines:
DelService = OsrDmk,0x4,0x200
; (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’, ‘Application’, or ‘Security’
DelService = OsrDs,0x4,0x200
; (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’, ‘Application’, or ‘Security’
DelService = OsrDt,0x4,0x200
; (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’, ‘Application’, or ‘Security’

But I should be able to hunt those three down. Why is it telling me it needs a cat file when my driver isn’t signed?

---- Original Message ----

[quote] [quote] I still do not understand the relationship between the SouceDisksNames and SourceDisksFiles and why they have a number associated with them, [/quote] It’s really simple, but obscure, actually. Think back to the time of floppy disks, when all this INF stuff was invented. SourceDisksNames lets you provide a human readable name for each installation disk. This allows the installer to prompt to user, using this name, to insert the appropriate disk into the system. You identify each disk by giving it an arbitrary number. The installer, being incredibly stupid, needs to know the files to copy during the installation procedure. It also needs to know which disk each of these files is on. This is done in SourceDisksFiles. So, now the installer knows which disk each file you need is on. You tell the installer where to copy each of these files in the CopyFiles section. See… it’s really easy. If you already know how to write an INF file, that is. Otherwise, it’s obtuse and impossibly difficult.

You can ignore the CatalogFile error. There should also be an error about
the DriverType entry.

Bill Wandel

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 4:50 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Driver Installation headaches.

Yup, and I am in the process of learning how to write one for the first
time, lol.

Ok, I’m making some progress now that I finally got my chkinf stuff all
working properly. I have the following errors that I’m working to make
sense of:

Line 8: (E22.1.1081) Directive: CatalogFile required (and must not be blank)
in section [Version] for WHQL digital signature.
Line 57: (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’,
‘Application’, or ‘Security’
Line 58: (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’,
‘Application’, or ‘Security’
Line 59: (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’,
‘Application’, or ‘Security’

The first error I understand if I’m trying to handle a signed driver, but
this is an unsigned version…

The other 3 errors don’t make much sense to me. I modified the following
DelService = OsrDmk,0x4,0x200
; (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’, ‘Application’, or
DelService = OsrDs,0x4,0x200
; (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’, ‘Application’, or
DelService = OsrDt,0x4,0x200
; (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’, ‘Application’, or

But I should be able to hunt those three down. Why is it telling me it
needs a cat file when my driver isn’t signed?

---- Original Message ----

[quote] [quote] I still do not understand the relationship between the
SouceDisksNames and SourceDisksFiles and why they have a number associated
with them, [/quote] It’s really simple, but obscure, actually. Think back to
the time of floppy disks, when all this INF stuff was invented.
SourceDisksNames lets you provide a human readable name for each
installation disk. This allows the installer to prompt to user, using this
name, to insert the appropriate disk into the system. You identify each disk
by giving it an arbitrary number. The installer, being incredibly stupid,
needs to know the files to copy during the installation procedure. It also
needs to know which disk each of these files is on. This is done in
SourceDisksFiles. So, now the installer knows which disk each file you need
is on. You tell the installer where to copy each of these files in the
CopyFiles section. See… it’s really easy. If you already know how to write
an INF file, that is. Otherwise, it’s obtuse and impossibly difficult.

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

There is a warning regarding it, not an error.

Line 0: (W22.1.9998) NOTE: The ChkInf tool does not verify the WDF sections and directives of the INF file.
Line 10: (W22.1.2202) Unrecognized directive: DriverPackageType
Line 12: (W22.1.2215) Class ContentScreener (ClassGUID {0A796FFA-D294-4833-867A-E0DFD035152E}) is unrecognized.
Line 12: (W22.1.2203) Custom defined Classes should have a [ClassInstall32] section.
Line 152: (W22.1.2083) Section [OSRDMK.USERFILES] not referenced

— original —
You can ignore the CatalogFile error. There should also be an error about the DriverType entry. Bill Wandel wrote:

Yup, and I am in the process of learning how to write one for the first time, lol.

Ok, I’m making some progress now that I finally got my chkinf stuff all working properly. I have the following errors that I’m working to make sense of:

Line 8: (E22.1.1081) Directive: CatalogFile required (and must not be blank) in section [Version] for WHQL digital signature.

The first error I understand if I’m trying to handle a signed driver, but this is an unsigned version…

Right. That means you don’t need to worry about it. Chkinf is part of
the WHQL driver testing process, so it assumes you are on the WHQL path.

The other 3 errors don’t make much sense to me. I modified the following lines:
DelService = OsrDmk,0x4,0x200
; (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’, ‘Application’, or ‘Security’
DelService = OsrDs,0x4,0x200
; (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’, ‘Application’, or ‘Security’
DelService = OsrDt,0x4,0x200
; (E22.1.1061) Value for EventLogType should be ‘System’, ‘Application’, or ‘Security’

But I should be able to hunt those three down.

You have the wrong syntax. I assume you are trying to specify both
for the flags. To do that, you have to combine them arithmetically:
DelService = OsrDmk, 0x204

As it is, you are specifying 0x200 for the third parameter, which is

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

When you get a chance, post the version section again. There is something
wrong with it.

Bill Wandel

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 5:15 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Driver Installation headaches.

There is a warning regarding it, not an error.

Line 0: (W22.1.9998) NOTE: The ChkInf tool does not verify the WDF sections
and directives of the INF file.
Line 10: (W22.1.2202) Unrecognized directive: DriverPackageType Line 12:
(W22.1.2215) Class ContentScreener (ClassGUID
{0A796FFA-D294-4833-867A-E0DFD035152E}) is unrecognized.
Line 12: (W22.1.2203) Custom defined Classes should have a [ClassInstall32]
Line 152: (W22.1.2083) Section [OSRDMK.USERFILES] not referenced

— original —
You can ignore the CatalogFile error. There should also be an error about
the DriverType entry. Bill Wandel

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Yup, in the time that I posted that message, I figured out that problem with the service uninstalling.

So now, here’s what my chkinf output is:

Line 8: (E22.1.1081) Directive: CatalogFile required (and must not be blank) in section [Version] for WHQL digital signature.

Line 0: (W22.1.9998) NOTE: The ChkInf tool does not verify the WDF sections and directives of the INF file.
Line 10: (W22.1.2202) Unrecognized directive: DriverPackageType
Line 12: (W22.1.2215) Class ContentScreener (ClassGUID {0A796FFA-D294-4833-867A-E0DFD035152E}) is unrecognized.
Line 12: (W22.1.2203) Custom defined Classes should have a [ClassInstall32] section.
Line 56: (W22.1.2202) Unrecognized directive: DELSERVICE
Line 152: (W22.1.2083) Section [OSRDMK.USERFILES] not referenced

This is my version section:
Signature = “$Windows NT$”
DriverPackageType = ClassFilter
ClassGuid = {0A796FFA-D294-4833-867A-E0DFD035152E}
Class = “ContentScreener” ;This is determined by the work this filter driver

Provider = %OSR%
DriverVer = 11/17/2006,

DefaultDestDir = 12
OsrDmk.DriverFiles = 12 ;%windir%\system32\drivers;
OsrDmk.UserFiles = 10,FltMgr ;%windir%\FltMgr
OsrDs.DriverFiles = 12

I’m getting closer. I’m feeling it. wrote:

Yup, in the time that I posted that message, I figured out that problem with the service uninstalling.

So now, here’s what my chkinf output is:

Line 8: (E22.1.1081) Directive: CatalogFile required (and must not be blank) in section [Version] for WHQL digital signature.

Line 0: (W22.1.9998) NOTE: The ChkInf tool does not verify the WDF sections and directives of the INF file.
Line 10: (W22.1.2202) Unrecognized directive: DriverPackageType
Line 12: (W22.1.2215) Class ContentScreener (ClassGUID {0A796FFA-D294-4833-867A-E0DFD035152E}) is unrecognized.
Line 12: (W22.1.2203) Custom defined Classes should have a [ClassInstall32] section.
Line 56: (W22.1.2202) Unrecognized directive: DELSERVICE
Line 152: (W22.1.2083) Section [OSRDMK.USERFILES] not referenced

Did you move the DelService into a different section? It was recognized
in the last run. The rest of those are ignorable.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Nope. I didn’t move anything. This error has always been there. Here they are:

DelFiles = OsrDmk.DriverFiles, OsrDs.DriverFiles, OsrDt.DriverFiles

DelService = OsrDmk,0x204
DelService = OsrDs,0x204
DelService = OsrDt,0x204

– original ---- wrote: > Yup, in the time that I posted that message, I figured out that problem with the service uninstalling. > > So now, here’s what my chkinf output is: > > ERROR: > Line 8: (E22.1.1081) Directive: CatalogFile required (and must not be blank) in section [Version] for WHQL digital signature. > > WARNING: > Line 0: (W22.1.9998) NOTE: The ChkInf tool does not verify the WDF sections and directives of the INF file. > Line 10: (W22.1.2202) Unrecognized directive: DriverPackageType <…excess quoted lines suppressed…> Did you move the DelService into a different section? It was recognized in the last run. The rest of those are ignorable. wrote:

Nope. I didn’t move anything. This error has always been there. Here they are:

DelFiles = OsrDmk.DriverFiles, OsrDs.DriverFiles, OsrDt.DriverFiles

DelService = OsrDmk,0x204
DelService = OsrDs,0x204
DelService = OsrDt,0x204

Seriously, can’t you see the problem here? DelService is only valid in
an [xxx.Services] section. You have commented out the section header,
so that the DelService commands are now actually in the
[DefaultUninstall] section, where DelService is invalid.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

oh… doh. ya, that’s long gone. I was commenting lines out of the install trying to isolate issues, but to no avail. Lemme give you the up-to-date version. sorry about that.

Line 8: (E22.1.1081) Directive: CatalogFile required (and must not be blank) in section [Version] for WHQL digital signature.

Line 0: (W22.1.9998) NOTE: The ChkInf tool does not verify the WDF sections and directives of the INF file.
Line 10: (W22.1.2202) Unrecognized directive: DriverPackageType
Line 12: (W22.1.2215) Class ContentScreener (ClassGUID {0A796FFA-D294-4833-867A-E0DFD035152E}) is unrecognized.
Line 12: (W22.1.2203) Custom defined Classes should have a [ClassInstall32] section.
Line 153: (W22.1.2083) Section [OSRDMK.USERFILES] not referenced

anyways, I’m going to work on it some more tonight on my own. We’ll see what the morning brings. Thanks again. I appreciate it. wrote:

oh… doh. ya, that’s long gone. I was commenting lines out of the install trying to isolate issues, but to no avail. Lemme give you the up-to-date version. sorry about that.

Line 8: (E22.1.1081) Directive: CatalogFile required (and must not be blank) in section [Version] for WHQL digital signature.

Line 0: (W22.1.9998) NOTE: The ChkInf tool does not verify the WDF sections and directives of the INF file.
Line 10: (W22.1.2202) Unrecognized directive: DriverPackageType
Line 12: (W22.1.2215) Class ContentScreener (ClassGUID {0A796FFA-D294-4833-867A-E0DFD035152E}) is unrecognized.
Line 12: (W22.1.2203) Custom defined Classes should have a [ClassInstall32] section.
Line 153: (W22.1.2083) Section [OSRDMK.USERFILES] not referenced

anyways, I’m going to work on it some more tonight on my own. We’ll see what the morning brings. Thanks again. I appreciate it.

Those are all ignorable in your circumstance. So, does the INF file work?

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

No, it still won’t install using Dpinst.

I’ve tried the following options, but it still won’t install:
dpinst /lm /c /q
dpint /c /q

obviously leaving out the /lm I get the error “there is no catalogue file” which I expect. With the /lm, I still get the same error: “could not get services associated with driver package” along with the error “Preinstall is not a supported operation for driver type 5”

Keep in mind that I added the DriverPackageType. I have no idea if its correct or not. I know our driver is a file system filter driver, but outside of that, I’m not really sure about what the install is really supposed to be, other than the rundll install works properly…

— Original message ----

oh… doh. ya, that’s long gone. I was commenting lines out of the install
trying to isolate issues, but to no avail. Lemme give you the up-to-date
version. sorry about that.

Line 8: (E22.1.1081) Directive: CatalogFile required (and must not be blank)
in section [Version] for WHQL digital signature.

Line 0: (W22.1.9998) NOTE: The ChkInf tool does not verify the WDF sections
and directives of the INF file.
Line 10: (W22.1.2202) Unrecognized directive: DriverPackageType
Line 12: (W22.1.2215) Class ContentScreener (ClassGUID
{0A796FFA-D294-4833-867A-E0DFD035152E}) is unrecognized.
Line 12: (W22.1.2203) Custom defined Classes should have a [ClassInstall32]
<…excess quoted lines suppressed…>

Those are all ignorable in your circumstance. So, does the INF file work?