Comparing UMDF 1.11

I am creating virtual serial driver using umdf1.11. I like C++ style, COM model and pretty easy when comparing umdf2.x
Is there any potential issue which may occurs with UMDF1.11 Driver in windows 10 and latest Windows server OS; because it is little bit old and new is 2.X.

You are on the wrong forum ask this on NTDEV.

I am sorry, NTDEV is Windows Driver Developer Forum right?

Yes, NTDEV is for windows driver development which a virtual serial driver definitely is.

it is asked on NTDEV. Is there anything missing in my discussion, I am not sure.

You posted two things in NTFSD so I moved them…

To your question: go with UMDF v2. AFAIK v1 is effectively deprecated in favor of v2.

I like C++ style, COM model

You are the only one on the entire planet that has ever written this about UMDF. Even the architect who pushed this through didn’t like it, but he thought user-mode devs would like it (and he had a ton of internal credibility) so, despite the objections of several people (myself being one of them) this C++ and COM-light pattern got productized.

Now, it is no longer being enhanced and the official way of the future is UMDF 2.

So, please: Abandon any thought of using UMDF 1. Use UMDF 2. Trust me on this.


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Thanks! i moved to version 2.