Windows driver signing portal broken?

I went to attestation sign my driver today using the Microsoft driver signing portal, and the option to sign a driver is gone. The “Partner Center” page seems of have changed. It looks like there is supposed to be a menu on the left side but there are no menu items to click on. I tried this on two different browsers, two different PCs, all show the same missing options. I use this page to sign a driver just about two weeks ago and it all worked fine.

Is this just me? Did Microsoft move the driver signing portal and not tell me? Is the page just broken?

Is anyone else able to get to the driver submission page?

Help, need to get a release out!


That’s one way to get people to use the automated submission process.

No, dude… It definitely is working:

You realize the process doesn’t use SYSDEV anymore, right? It’s been using the “Microsoft Developer Dashboard” for ages now. Go to and go from there??


OK, I figured out what happened. Like usual, it was a design change to the Microsoft “Web Experience” that didn’t make any sense and was completely counter intuitive. Previously (two weeks ago), I would go to the “Partner Center” and there would be a menu in the left side like Peter’s above. Starting yesterday, there was simply no menu, the the only thing on the page was a bunch of “Getting started” links. What I finally figure out was that under my user name (top right), was a new menu item with the name of my company on it (previously it just had “Sign out” and “Account settings”). Once I clicked on this menu item, it took me to the page where I could access the HARDWARE menu and submit drivers.

I guess what they did was set up up so that a single user could access multiple entities (companies?). Previously, I guess if you only worked with one entity, it just showed up by default. I have to say, this port is one of worst “Web Experiences” I have to deal with, even by Microsoft standards. The GUI is so poorly thought out. Could the largest corporation on the planet afford to hire a few GUI consultants who could show them how a few simple changes could vastly improve their “Web Experience”?

Thanks for everyone’s help.

I guess what they did was set up up so that a single user could access multiple entities

Yes, exactly. In fairness, this web page has worked like this since forever.

this port is one of worst “Web Experiences” I have to deal with

I agree. It’s extremely confusing. I have reached the point where I am just satisfied when I can get my work done.

If you want fun, you should try to change a “personal” account (even one with a Corporation associated with it) into a “business” account something. It’s a special treat.

Anyhow, I am very glad you got things sorted out.


Thank you for following up with how you got to the HARDWARE menu where you can submit drivers and such. That was not intuitive.