Windows 2000 grabs high I/O ports for exclusive PCI access?

I just started trying out our drivers on Windows 2000, and the first problem
I found is that our calls to IoReportResourceUsage always fail with a
conflict detected.

The conflict seems to be because the PCI bus driver grabs 0x0D00 through
0xFFFF I/O port space for exclusive access. Our hardware sits in the high
ISA I/O port space, at such addresses as 0x6000. This clearly works for us
under NT 4.0 since we’ve been shipping this product for quite some time.

I’ve tried grabbing it both as driver excelusive and as shared, and it fails
in both cases. However, if I just don’t report my resouces, my driver and
hardware work fine.

So, my questions are:

  1. Why does it grab that I/O space for exclusive access?
  2. How do I get around it, other than just not reporting my
  3. Is there a better tool than Device Manager for viewing resouces?
    The 4.0 tool called Windows Diagnostics tells how each resource was declared
    (driver exclusive, device exclusive, shared), whereas Device Manager does
    not seem to give that information.
