RE: [ntdev] New version of WinDBG

Any idea how to get this brand new 'bag to stop trying to load the memory
window and hanging when it hits a breakpoint?

Here’s what happens, maybe I’m doing things in the wrong order… I open
this brand-new 'bag, ^K to start kernel debugging, then ^W to open a
workspace which has the symbol file paths already set, among other niceties.
So far so good. Then I start the debuggee, and as soon as the debugger
connects, it tries to load the workspace again. That’s OK, except that the
Memory Window, among others, hangs, and if I try a menu, the whole thing
hangs. If I load the workspace, then start the kernel debug, I get the same

If I don’t load a workspace, sometimes it will figure out that it wants one,
and it will popup the Workspace dialog, but more often it doesn’t, and just
complains a lot about the symbols not matching, can’t be found…

The version didn’t exhibit this behavior, so I am hoping that it’s a
bug that is easily fixed or can be avoided easily through judicious process
control, but at this point, the earlier 'bag is clearly better for me right


* Philip D. Barila | (503) 264-8386
* Intel Corp. | Not speaking for Intel