When SoftwareBinary (from AddSoftware of SoftwareComponent inf), would be installed

Hello Everyone!
I have an Extension inf in which I add a SoftwareComponent by “AddComponent” directive.
Next I add a SoftwareComponent inf in which I want to add a software by “AddSoftware” directive.
In “AddSoftware” section I used SoftwareBinary, because I want to install software not from Windows Store.

After installing SoftwareComponent inf I can see that it is in use and in logs (“setupaapi.dev.log”) I see: “Driver has software pending install.”

Questions are:
When system would try to install the specified in inf software?
Can I somehow debug this?
Where can I find logs from such an installation?

The system will try to install it immediately, but not as part of the device installation - it is done by an independent service (DeviceSetupManager) after the device is installed. We don’t have a way to debug it directly, but there are some events in event viewer that you can see under Applications and Services Logs\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceSetupManager