USB Redirection implementation from scratch

Hi all, i am planning to start USB redirect feature which will redirect USB device from local computer to remote computer , so I just want to know and understand the high level starting point of this. any link to refer if any one can suggest would be very helpful, i have basic driver implementation knowledge. plz suggest link also to refer if any thanks in advance

You might want to look at the usb-ip projects, like this one: or this one: Microsoft actually documents that last one here: where they show you how to connect a usb device to wsl.

Don’t underestimate the difficulty of this task. Some of the communication within the depths of the USB stack is not documented.

@Mark_Roddy said:
You might want to look at the usb-ip projects, like this one: or this one: Microsoft actually documents that last one here: where they show you how to connect a usb device to wsl.

Thanks for your reply…i will go through this link.

@Tim_Roberts said:
Don’t underestimate the difficulty of this task. Some of the communication within the depths of the USB stack is not documented.

yeah just want to analyse and learn…will keep you guys posted and keep asking my doubts…