Kernel driver for ACPI node load fail as Code 12 (0xC00000E5)


I am writing a kernel driver for an ACPI node.

I declared resource in ASL for this node as below:

Device (TEST)
Name (_HID, “ACPITEST”) // _HID: Hardware ID

        Name (ACRS, ResourceTemplate() { 
           Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0xFE0B0000, 0x1000)
           IO (Decode16, 0x940, 0x940, 0, 0x01) 

        Method (_CRS, 0, Serialized) 
            Return (ACRS) 

I created a KMDF driver based on the VS2022 template. I only modifed the INF to include the ACPI Hardware ID.
%TestDriver.DeviceDesc%=TestDriver_Device, ACPI\ACPITEST ; TODO: edit hw-id

When I load the driver, the device cannot start successfully, while the resource seems set correctly.

Device status: Code 12

Resource settings meet my ASL code

Driver status: 0xC00000E5

Any idea is appreciated.
