Funny story - how to build inf file for SmartCardFilter driver (or how to install).

Hello all,

I was asked to help a colleague regarding the following issue.
They had received a sys file containing a SmartCardFilter driver which worked on Windows_7 64 bits (They also had received the source - it’s real).
Basically the driver is very simple - it filters out RESET requests.

The problem is that the original installation procedure involved double clicking two reg file, manual coping of files + restart of the system (the driver was signed for win_7).
Nowadays (win_10) this procedure does not work :-), so I was asked to help to solve the issue.
Signing the driver - had a small problem - Microsoft would not sign the driver without an inf file (funny - but I remember being able to sign a driver without an inf file for win_10).
Now I have no idea how to write an inf file for a SmartCardFilter driver, so I tried something out of a VERY few examples which I had seen online. It didn’t work.
The company which made the driver - does not support drivers any more (I promised that this would be a funny story). The driver writer had retired for some years, so he does not know how to help (he wants to help, but can’t).

If I understand correctly the problem was : “WARNING: No device Ids found in INF”

Finally here comes the question : Any advice or any good/simple example ?

The inf file which I had tried (with questions) :
;;; My SmartCard Filter Driver

Signature = “$Windows NT$”
Class = “SmartCardFilter”
ClassGuid = {DB4F6DDD-9C0E-45e4-9597-78DBBAD0F412} ; Q: Is this correct ?
Provider = %ProviderString%
DriverVer = 01/05/2023,
CatalogFile =

DefaultDestDir = 12
MiniFilter.DriverFiles = 12 ;%windir%\system32\drivers

;; Default install sections

OptionDesc = %ServiceDescription%
CopyFiles = MiniFilter.DriverFiles

AddService = %ServiceName%,MiniFilter.Service

;; Default uninstall sections

DelFiles = MiniFilter.DriverFiles

DelService = %ServiceName%,0x200 ;Ensure service is stopped before deleting

; Services Section

DisplayName = %ServiceName%
Description = %ServiceDescription%
ServiceBinary = %12%%DriverName%.sys ;%windir%\system32\drivers
; ErrorControl = 1 ;SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
; LoadOrderGroup = “FSFilter Activity Monitor” // Q: Maybe fix ???
AddReg = MiniFilter.AddRegistry
AddService = , 0x00000002

; Registry Modifications


; Copy Files


MyScFilter.sys = 1,

1 = %DiskId1%,

;; String Section

ProviderString = “MyCorporation”
ServiceDescription = “My SmartCard Filter Driver”
ServiceName = “MyScFilter”
DriverName = “MyScFilter”
DiskId1 = “MyScFilter Device Installation Disk”

The dpinst.log file :
INFO: ****************************************
INFO: 05/17/2023 16:52:52
INFO: Product Version
INFO: Version: 6.0.6000
INFO: Platform ID: 2 (NT)
INFO: Service Pack: 0.0
INFO: Suite: 0x0100, Product Type: 1
INFO: Architecture: AMD64.
INFO: Interactive Windows Station
INFO: Command Line: ‘“C:\MyDrivers\MyScFilter\MyScFilter_Package\driver\x64\DPInst.exe” /path data’
INFO: DPInst is not multi-lingual.
INFO: ****************************************
INFO: Current working directory: ‘C:\MyDrivers\MyScFilter\MyScFilter_Package\driver\x64’
INFO: Running on path ‘C:\MyDrivers\MyScFilter\MyScFilter_Package\driver\x64\data’
INFO: User UI Language is 0x409.
INFO: Install option set: Suppressing Wizard but no OS popups.
INFO: Install option set: Force install if driver is not better.
INFO: Found driver package: ‘c:\mydrivers\myscfilter\myscfilter_package\driver\x64\data\myscfilter\myscfilter.inf’.
INFO: Preinstalling ‘c:\mydrivers\myscfilter\myscfilter_package\driver\x64\data\myscfilter\myscfilter.inf’ …
INFO: ENTER: DriverPackagePreinstallW
SUCCESS:c:\mydrivers\myscfilter\myscfilter_package\driver\x64\data\myscfilter\myscfilter.inf is preinstalled.
INFO: RETURN: DriverPackagePreinstallW (0x0)
INFO: ENTER: DriverPackageGetPathW
INFO: RETURN: DriverPackageGetPathW (0x0)
INFO: ENTER: DriverPackageInstallW
INFO: Installing INF file ‘c:\mydrivers\myscfilter\myscfilter_package\driver\x64\data\myscfilter\myscfilter.inf’ (Plug and Play).
WARNING:No device Ids found in INF ‘C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\myscfilter.inf_amd64_4fdd83b4488acc55\myscfilter.inf’ for current platform.
INFO: RETURN: DriverPackageInstallW (0xE0000301)
WARNING:No device Ids found in INF ‘c:\mydrivers\myscfilter\myscfilter_package\driver\x64\data\myscfilter\myscfilter.inf’ for current platform.
INFO: Group with ID ‘4EC25CFB2D1FD9B677EB77C9CF297DDA564DF960’ will be written to script ‘C:\PROGRA~1\DIFX\UninstallScripts\4EC25CFB2D1FD9B677EB77C9CF297DDA564DF960’.
INFO: Created group entry in Add or Remove Programs.
INFO: Returning with code 0x0
INFO: 05/17/2023 16:53:02


Nowadays (win_10) this procedure does not work :-), so I was asked to help to solve the issue.

This is just a filter driver. The same procedure that works on Windows 7 should still work on Windows 10. All it takes is copying the files in place, creating a couple of registry entries, and restart. What happens when you try this?

The INF isn’t going to work because it’s a non-PnP INF file, so the HKR reference is not associated with a device. You can’t use that kind of an INF for a device filter, although it can work for a class filter.