Hardening UMDF host process

I’m in the process of porting a KMDF driver to a UMDF v2 variant, and have been struck at how fragile the UMDF v2 driver seems to be as it’s hosted in WudfHost.exe which is right there where anyone with a TaskManager can just cause no end of trouble, as well as an errant UMDF driver from the “other guy” could bring it down …

I’ve found discussion of a .inf entry

HKR,“WUDF”, “DeviceGroupId”, %REG_SZ%, “GenericUMDFGroup” ; Controls UMDF pooling for driver isolation within UMDF process

which seems to offer some protection from a bad “other guy” driver but it’s still a point of failure for a user with an itchy clicky finger. Is there a way I can designate the WudfHost as a protected process, to give it a bit more cover on an end user system or is that just the way it is for UMDF v2?