ReceiveNetBufferLists not called in NDIS protocol driver


I have an NDIS protocol driver based on the NDIS Connection-less Protocol Driver Sample from 2014. It can read and write Ethernet frames of a certain Ethertype.

It’s built with VS2013 and the WDK 8.1 and it used to work alright on my dev machine. The dev machine is running under W10 1607.

From one day to the next it wasn’t anymore able to receive packets, because its ReceiveNetBufferLists isn’t called anymore. If I write a packet, one packet can be reveived but then again nothing happens anymore (well the test program is blocked in the read call).

In my despair I tried it on a VirtualBox VM that still has Windows 8.1 and there everything is working fine.

So I think this could have soemthing to do with the OS or with other filter/protocol drivers installed.

I would be really gratetful for any hint how I could find out where things get stuck. As the ReceiveNetBufferLists callback isn’t called anymore further log output in my driver didn’t help.

Thank you and best regards