RE: Re: [ntdev] Re: [ntdev] NDIS LWF INF file - LowerExclude

> If you ever find out, let me know. I’m pretty close to ripping it out of Windows 10, because I can’t see anybody using it.

I assumed that it ceased to be something support for ISV/IHV use after NT4. With NT5 it seemed only to be a special hint to the binding engine to do something appropriate for a small number of pre-determined BindForm values covering NDISWAN, TCPIP’s oddities in support of NBT, TCPIP’s TUNNEL support, and the NBT stuff in general.

So if all of that has been sorted out (and it seems to have been since BindForm does not show in any Win8.1+ INFs) then I sure think effectively has gone.

If I were to put BindForm=“foo” into my INF I assume that the binding engine would either ignore it or blow up, not somehow figure out what “foo” meant. Since the “Prolog Engine” (rule based goal seeking thing) is not longer present, I’m guessing that whatever it did in NT5 was pretty hardwired.

If you don’t know what it does I don’t see how I can possibly find out :slight_smile:

You might need to reach out to folks doing curious things with CoNDIS drivers.

Dave Cattley