Re[2]: rExtExtension RemoveExtension Failure and Execute (.., (DOT) unload,,) crash windbg 6.12

> i am looking for a way to do it from a currently executing extension dll

You cannot. Think about it - unloading your extension (aka your DLL
from within Windbg.exe process) will release the image memory, and
when the code execution flow returns from RemoveExtension, what should
it execute?

Also - from what I understand, you are atrying to unload your DLL,
change resources to it, then load it back. Why on earth you want to
change DLL resources on the fly? (assuming I understand it correctly)


thanks for replying ladislav

i understand it shouldn;t be possible logically thinking about it
but i was surprised to see RemoveExtension returning S_OK

but it returns S_OK without removing the extension
doing a .chain still shows that the extension is executing

so i used another variation

m_Control->Execute ( DEBUG_CONTROL_THIS_CLIENT,“.unload path to self”

this unloads the dll and rightly and crashes windbg due to invalid eip
on return

yes i am modifying the resources on the fly
i have about 1100 pairs of data (dword + fixed length unicode string)
in resources prior to compiling

i have an extension command which can add the 1101th to Nth entry to
the resources dynamically during execution

at present i start with two identical copy of the extension one
executing inside windbg other dll non executing
when i execute add resource the added resource is modified in the
second non executing copy of the dll

wnen the resources have been updated i unload the executing dll using
.unload command from windbg command window run a copy command in
cmd.exe overwriting the first dll with updated second dll and reload
the extesion

now i was wondering if i can automate this behavior from an extension dll itself


ULONG64 Handle = NULL;
HRESULT Status = S_OK;
if ((Status =
!= S_OK)
Dml(“AddExtension Failed returned %x\n”,Status);
if (( Status - m_Control->RemoveExtension(Handle)) != S_OK)
Dml(“RemoveExtension Failed returned %x\n”,Status);
Dml("m_Control->RemoveExtension returned with %x GetLastError
retuned %x\n ",Status, GetLastError());


see RemoveExtension reuring S_OK

0:000> !addioctl 0xd4ee4
hmod = 10000000 hRes = 1000c048 hResData = 1000c070 SizeofRes =
40740 ResChar = I
there are 1091
Entries in the list
hadnle = d0003c 0
m_Control->RemoveExtension returned with 0 GetLastError retuned 0
d4ee4 this is the badbodoo ioctl
resources were updated to dummy dll in winext Directory unload
overwrite and reload this extension for updated ioctl list

0:000> !addioctl 0xd4ee4
hmod = 10000000 hRes = 1000c048 hResData = 1000c070 SizeofRes =
40740 ResChar = I
there are 1091
Entries in the list
hadnle = d0003c 0
m_Control->RemoveExtension returned with 0 GetLastError retuned 0
d4ee4 this is the badbodoo ioctl
resources were updated to dummy dll in winext Directory unload
overwrite and reload this extension for updated ioctl list

On 8/31/13, Ladislav Zezula wrote:
>> i am looking for a way to do it from a currently executing extension dll
> You cannot. Think about it - unloading your extension (aka your DLL
> from within Windbg.exe process) will release the image memory, and
> when the code execution flow returns from RemoveExtension, what should
> it execute?
> Also - from what I understand, you are atrying to unload your DLL,
> change resources to it, then load it back. Why on earth you want to
> change DLL resources on the fly? (assuming I understand it correctly)
> L.
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