Serial port class property page

Can anybody tell me who/what uses the port settings from the (serial) ports class installer?

The main dialog (Port Settings) has settings for baud, data bits, parity, stop bits and flow control. As best as I can tell all this does is modify the registry here:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports\

It doesn’t appear to actually communicate with the driver.

I’m considering omitting these settings from my dialog, but I don’t want to regret it later because of a stupid oversight.

The com port settings APIs use these values to get the defaults


debt from my phone

Sent: 10/8/2012 3:15 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Serial port class property page

Can anybody tell me who/what uses the port settings from the (serial) ports class installer?

The main dialog (Port Settings) has settings for baud, data bits, parity, stop bits and flow control. As best as I can tell all this does is modify the registry here:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports\

It doesn’t appear to actually communicate with the driver.

I’m considering omitting these settings from my dialog, but I don’t want to regret it later because of a stupid oversight.

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Thanks Doron.