what the magic behind msvcrt_*.obj

Hi everyone,
When building a executable in WDK , the linker will link with these
obj file . For Windows XP , this is msvcrt_xinxp.obj , for Windows
2003 this is msvcrt_win2003.obj etc. My question is why just
msvcrt.lib is not enough ? Thanks in advance.

Each obj is compatible with the target is in their name and is code inserted into your binary. Msvcrt.lib is an export lib


debt from my phone

From: yushang
Sent: 10/4/2011 8:28 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] what the magic behind msvcrt_*.obj

Hi everyone,
When building a executable in WDK , the linker will link with these
obj file . For Windows XP , this is msvcrt_xinxp.obj , for Windows
2003 this is msvcrt_win2003.obj etc. My question is why just
msvcrt.lib is not enough ? Thanks in advance.

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