Multifunction device BAR conflict


Function 1 has 4 BARs specified as follows:

0: kd> !devext ffffc30971a72270
PDO Extension, Bus 0x1, Device 0, Function 1.
  DevObj 0xffffc30971a72120  Parent FDO DevExt 0xffffc30971a49190
  Device State = PciNotStarted
  Header Type 0, Class Base/Sub 06/80  (Bridge/PCI to 'Other')
  Programming Interface: 00, Revision: 00, IntPin: 00, RawLine ff
  Possible Decodes ((cmd & 7) = 7): BMI
  Capabilities: Ptr=40, power msi msix express 
  Express capabilities: (BIOS controlled) aer 
  Logical Device Power State: D0
  Device Wake Level:          D3
  WaitWakeIrp:                <none>
  Requirements:     Alignment Length    Minimum          Maximum
    BAR0    Mem:    00400000  00400000  0000000000000000 00000000ffffffff
    BAR2    Mem:    10000000  10000000  0000000000000000 ffffffffffffffff
    BAR4    Mem:    04000000  04000000  0000000000000000 00000000ffffffff
    BAR5    Mem:    00800000  00800000  0000000000000000 00000000ffffffff
  Resources: <none>
  Interrupt Requirement:
    Message Based: Type - Msi-X, 0x4 messages requested
  Interrupt Resource: <none>

Function 2 has 1 BAR whose size is equal to BAR5.

0: kd> !devext ffffdc8d4a80f1b0
PDO Extension, Bus 0x1, Device 0, Function 2.
  DevObj 0xffffdc8d4a80f060  Parent FDO DevExt 0xffffdc8d4a79e490
  Device State = PciNotStarted
  Header Type 0, Class Base/Sub 08/80  (Base System Device/'Other' base system device)
  Programming Interface: 00, Revision: 00, IntPin: 00, RawLine ff
  Possible Decodes ((cmd & 7) = 7): BMI
  Capabilities: Ptr=40, power msi msix express 
  Express capabilities: (BIOS controlled) aer 
  Logical Device Power State: D0
  Device Wake Level:          D3
  WaitWakeIrp:                <none>
  Requirements:     Alignment Length    Minimum          Maximum
    BAR0    Mem:    00800000  00800000  0000000000000000 00000000ffffffff
  Resources: <none>
  Interrupt Requirement:
    Message Based: Type - Msi-X, 0x3 messages requested
  Interrupt Resource: <none>

The problem is that when Function 2 is loaded 1st, BAR0 address is equal to BAR5 and reads into VA = MmMapIoSpace(BAR0) return -1. If Function 1 is loaded before Function 2, then there is no longer a conflict and all BARs are available.

The OS does not adjust BAR0 for Function 2 if it is the 1st function to be loaded with EvtDevicePrepareHardware. It however does adjust it if it is loaded after Function 1.

I think that the BIOS enumerates the functions and can cause the conflict. Why isn't there a computation for Function 2 BARs if it is the 1st function to be loaded?

This problem happens often on Windows 10 LTSC. Other editions load the functions in a good order. The problem is present with manual testing on those as well.

Thank you for taking the time.

Update: Instead of failing EvtDeviceD0Entry, the driver can keep the function online and rely on a 2nd pass.

Enter EvtDriverDeviceAdd
Found Function 1:0.2 PDO = FFFF800CD9644060
Exit EvtDriverDeviceAdd with code 0x00000000
Enter EvtDevicePrepareHardware 1:0.2
PCI BAR0 MmMapIoSpace success with phys addr: F4800000, virt addr: FFFFE078FD400000, len: 800000
Exit EvtDevicePrepareHardware with code 00000000
Enter EvtDeviceD0Entry 1.0.2
TestBAR0 failed
EvtDeviceD0Entry returned 00000000

Enter EvtDriverDeviceAdd
Found Function 1:0.1 PDO = FFFF800CD9619060
Exit EvtDriverDeviceAdd with code 0x00000000

Enter EvtDeviceQueryStop 1:0.2
Exit EvtDeviceQueryStop with code 00000000
Enter EvtDeviceD0Exit 1:0.2
Exit EvtDeviceD0Exit with code 0x00000000
Enter EvtDeviceReleaseHardware 1:0.2
Exit EvtDeviceReleaseHardware with code 0x00000000

Enter EvtDevicePrepareHardware 1:0.2
PCI BAR0 MmMapIoSpace success with phys addr: F4000000, virt addr: FFFFE07912A00000, len: 800000
Exit EvtDevicePrepareHardware with code 00000000
Enter EvtDeviceD0Entry 1:0.2
EvtDeviceD0Entry returned 00000000

Enter EvtDevicePrepareHardware 1:0.1
PCI BAR0 MmMapIoSpace success with phys addr: F5000000, virt addr: FFFFE07913200000, len: 400000
PCI BAR2 MmMapIoSpace success with phys addr: D0000000, virt addr: FFFFE07913600000, len: 10000000
PCI BAR4 MmMapIoSpace success with phys addr: F0000000, virt addr: FFFFE07923600000, len: 4000000
PCI BAR5 MmMapIoSpace success with phys addr: F4800000, virt addr: FFFFE07927600000, len: 800000
Exit EvtDevicePrepareHardware with code 00000000
Enter EvtDeviceD0Entry 1:0.1
EvtDeviceD0Entry returned 00000000

So, when you say "load a function", you mean "when the driver for the function comes up"? Are you saying that 1:0.2 BAR0 literally gets assigned the same physical address as 1:0.1 BAR5? Are you 100% sure this is not a problem in the hardware?

Haha, I am not sure that the problem is in the firmware or ASIC. Yes, by load I mean that the driver controlling the function is started.

Hmmm… I’d say either (a) fix the hardware, or (b) have your drivers start in an order that happens to work. Otherwise… I’m not sure what you could do about this.