Hello All,
I am trying to use MmGetSystemRoutineAddress to find address of ZwGetWriteWatch.
The return value is Null.
I checked with windbg that the function exists “x nt!*getwritewatch”.
Is there another way to find the address programmatically?
Hello All,
I am trying to use MmGetSystemRoutineAddress to find address of ZwGetWriteWatch.
The return value is Null.
I checked with windbg that the function exists “x nt!*getwritewatch”.
Is there another way to find the address programmatically?
That the function exists doesn’t mean you can use it. Why do you need this?
Hi I am trying to implement GetWriteWatch functionality behaviour in
kernel mode.
On 11/12/14, xxxxx@broadcom.com wrote:
> That the function exists doesn’t mean you can use it. Why do you need this?
> —
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What problem are you trying to solve by using GetWriteWatch functionality?